Recent content by auditt241

  1. auditt241

    Unit Tangent Vector in a Scalar Field

    Thanks for your response! I think I tried this: I used \hat{n} \cdot \hat{T} = 0 , writing each in terms of an x- and y-component, and then solving for the x-component and y-component of the unit tangent \hat{T} . My T_x and T_y are written only in terms of unit normal components n_x and...
  2. auditt241

    Unit Tangent Vector in a Scalar Field

    Hello, I am attempting to calculate unit normal and tangent vectors for a scalar field I have, Φ(x,y). For my unit normal, I simply used: \hat{n}=\frac{\nabla \phi}{|\nabla \phi|} However, I'm struggling with using this approach to calculate the unit tangent. I need to express it in terms of the...