Recent content by Astroman

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    Learn How to View .he5 Files Easily | NASA NOAA Ozone Data Guide

    Thanks. Managed to download a program called HDFView that reads those kinds of files directly. I guess the latest creation of the Hierarchical Data Format for Earth Observing System related data, or the so-called "he5" data file, is used by NASA in instances where there is a lot of data that...
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    Learn How to View .he5 Files Easily | NASA NOAA Ozone Data Guide

    How to view .he5 file?? Not sure if this is the right place in the forum to ask this question. If it isn't, feel free to move it to the appropriate section. I am trying to obtain some data from the NASA NOAA website for a project I am working on, namely some ozone data from this page...
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    Which programming language is best for an aspiring engineer?

    Sorry to bump this thread, but I really want to find a good C++ book that is 1. Up-to-Date (I hear libraries change frequently?) 2. Free of errors (As a beginner, I would likely not know when I came across an error) So if as many people could list what, in their opinion, is the best C++...
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    Programs Difficulty Levels: Comparing Different Fields of Engineering

    ChemE is supposed to be really hard from what I hear. I'm AstroE though, so can't confirm this.
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    How to go from Mediocre to Extraordinary?

    Actually, there is an adult spelling bee, held annually in Long Beach, Calif.
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    Which programming language is best for an aspiring engineer?

    I am looking at Accelerated C++: Programming By Example, and I am concerned about one thing. A couple of reviews say that there are a lot of errata, but then one person replied that the latest printing (16th printing) has corrected all the errors. However, Amazon and everywhere else I am looking...
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    Which programming language is best for an aspiring engineer?

    Thanks for the advice so far. I think I will try to learn C++ first. [References to software piracy removed] What specific features of Matlab are you referring to?
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    Which programming language is best for an aspiring engineer?

    I have no programming experience and I have decided that it will be beneficial to my (future) career in engineering to become a proficient programmer. I was thinking about starting with C or C++. Is this a good idea, and if so, which of the two should I learn? I have heard that the main...
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    Which one of these books on General Relativity would you recommend?

    Which one of these books on General Relativity would you recommend for an introductory text. I have a background of BS in Physics. Groen, Hervik. Einstein's General Theory of Relativity Hobson. General Relativity: An Introduction for Physicists McGlinn, W.D. Introduction to Relativity
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    Learn Cosmology: Books for Self-Learning Up to Grad Level

    I found a torrent with a bunch of books on GR and cosmology. What would be a good list you can come up with from these that would get me on the track to learning and understanding GR and cosmology? Aldrovandi, Pereira. Introduction to General Relativity (2004).pdf Belinski V., Verdaguer E...
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    Learn Cosmology: Books for Self-Learning Up to Grad Level

    I have long been interested in cosmology, and I took a course with the same title in undergrad. We used Liddle's book An Introduction to Modern Cosmology which I thought was pretty good, but it was relatively short. I have knowledge of mathematics and physics up to early graduate level (got my...
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    Undecided on Career, What To Do?

    Hi all, I graduated with a BS in Physics in May 2007, and will be finishing up my MS in Astronautical Engineering this December. The thing is, I can't decide what to do. I guess the first inclination would be that I would try to get an engineering job at one of the defense companies such as...