Recent content by astro_chara

  1. astro_chara

    Exploring the Fifth Force: A Promising Frontier in Physics?

    I know this thread has already died, but I did decide on an essay topic, that being the fifth fundamental force of nature. Below is a link to my blog which holds my finished essay regarding this topic: Edit by mod: link to blog deleted
  2. astro_chara

    B Astrophysics Science Fair Project Ideas?

    Hi, a friend and I are planning to participate in a county science fair this year. We're in need of ideas, especially since we want to focus on a project in astrophysics that we would be able to test. Or research. We can get access to an observatory, and maybe perform the research there. Any...
  3. astro_chara

    Exploring the Fifth Force: A Promising Frontier in Physics?

    In actuality, quantum computers is a substantial topic. But as this essay is for a Natural Science school type thing, I want to convey my interests in physics and cosmology. Like you mentioned, dark matter or dark energy would be a pretty good topic. A lot better than the fifth force haha
  4. astro_chara

    Exploring the Fifth Force: A Promising Frontier in Physics?

    Quantum computers sound like a super great idea! I think I'm looking for more scientific concepts though. Do you have any ideas? I feel like the fifth force is definitely way too hypothetical.
  5. astro_chara

    Exploring the Fifth Force: A Promising Frontier in Physics?

    I have to write an essay on a current scientific idea or concept that is still considered emerging or experimental. Does anyone have any ideas as to what topic I should write? I'm looking for more physics-related topics, and I've considered writing about the "fifth force," though I'm not sure...
  6. astro_chara

    Tips for Building a Magnetic Levitator: A High School Physics Project

    Hi, recently I've been trying to think of a few ideas for my high school physics/astronomy club to build, and have heard that a magnetic leviator is completely doable. Are there any tips out there for building one? Materials, circuits, etc would help a whole lot. Thanks.
  7. astro_chara

    I Why teleportation, time travel, virtual reality haven't happened yet?

    There's actually much more needy issues in the world as of right now. "Real" life as you'd say it, and as of right now the world needs to focus on these "small" issues before we make any great breakthroughs. Money is pooled into different regions in order to advance our economy, but I find that...
  8. astro_chara

    What fantasy universe would you live in?

    Definitely Harry Potter's world, I'd love to get my hands on a wand and perform magic :D Or even a virtual videogame world, like Sword Art Online... though it may be WAY to dangerous
  9. astro_chara

    What are some of your favorite science-fiction novels?

    I found the original Ender's Game series very interesting, it was a great read! I definitely recommend this series, it questions the probability of spacetravel and the motives of humanity. It's very interesting, and is highly recommended! Can't wait to read the next four books :D
  10. astro_chara

    Programs Start a Physics & Astronomy Club: Ideas & Advice

    I'm planning to start a physics and astronomy club at my high school my junior year (next year). I have an idea of who I can collect to the club, but before I bring it up to the school, I need some ideas for the club. Should there be activities, like building a mini particle accelerator, or a...
  11. astro_chara

    What's Your Favorite Field of Physics?

    Heyo, guess I'll introduce myself. My name's Mai, currently in death high school, and as of right now really interested in physics. Meh, I might be more interested in astrophysics, but as of now I'm reading a Brief History of Time by Hawking and it's really quite fascinating. I've recently been...