Recent content by asifadio

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    Solving coupled equations analytically

    The equation is as attached where, - α, β and γ are constants - i1 and i2 are the variables. Also attached, is my attempt and where I stuck at. If anyone has an idea how to convert this into Bernoulli’s form, please I really need help. If there are any other ideas please let me know too...
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    Trigonometric function and complex exponential

    thanks! but if i want to convolute with some real function, f(x), can i just take a real part of Ak/2 + (Ak/2)e-j2ωt which is Ak/2 + (Ak/2)(2cos(ωt))?
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    Trigonometric function and complex exponential

    1. Homework Statement - multiplication of trigonometric function and complex exponential 2. Homework Equations the question is, Akcos(ωt) × e-jωt 3. The Attempt at a Solution it is, Ak/2 + (Ak/2)e-j2ωt ? by using cos(ωt) = 1/2ejωt + 1/2e-jωt
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    Modeling mathematical representation for music signal

    Hello there I am sorry if this sounds silly or out dated i want to ask anyone, how can i model the mathematical representation from music signal(time domain). lets say i recorded the signal from guitar through my music production software and print screen that signal as shown here...
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    Debye's Assumptions For Heat Capacity

    hello, i would like to as about the derivation of einstein model of specific heat.. this is the derivation that i copied from a book how the average energy equation(the summation on both numerator and denominator) can be solve to be...
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    Phonon and dispersion relation

    can i say that photon wavelength are comparable to atomic spacing so it will only interact deeper in atom and phonon wavelength is comparable to lattice spacing so it will interact with lattice not deeper than that? and last question, is like statement below, 'As a result, packets of phonons...
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    Phonon and dispersion relation

    hello I am new in this forum.. and i would like to ask first this is statement that i confused about 'At low values of k (i.e. long wavelengths), the dispersion relation is almost linear, and the speed of sound is approximately ω a, independent of the phonon frequency. As a result, packets of...