Recent content by asdfg654321

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    Civil Engineering: What, Subjects, Best Country to Study

    wow thanks for the information. by the way what would you recommend aeronautical or civil.
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    Civil Engineering: What, Subjects, Best Country to Study

    it sounds very interesting though can u tell me what subjects did you focus on when you decided to do civil. and is university tough or easy.
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    Civil Engineering: What, Subjects, Best Country to Study

    what is civil engineering and what subjects are required for it and also where is the best country to study this engineering.
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    What subjects should I choose for aeronautical engineering and how do I prepare?

    well you see i live in the UAE and do you think they sell kitplane here, and you mentioned sites, could you please tell me there names?
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    What subjects should I choose for aeronautical engineering and how do I prepare?

    well unfortunately there is none of that here but i do want to learn how to fly a plane and maybe keep that as a hobby. and also do you know any magazines or tv shows i can watch or read to help me grow more interest in aeronautics.
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    Aerospace vs Aeronautical Engineering

    wow i think I am going to go with aeronautical engineering since i really love planes but the only problem is that where i live there aren't many air shows or exhibitions so could you guys guide me to where i could find a useful source which could educate me on the latest air crafts and flying...
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    What subjects should I choose for aeronautical engineering and how do I prepare?

    thanks! and if you don't mind me asking, are you an engineer?
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    What subjects should I choose for aeronautical engineering and how do I prepare?

    and are their any magazines or tv shows that are for planes or that which could possibly interest me more in aeronautics?
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    What subjects should I choose for aeronautical engineering and how do I prepare?

    and also do i have to be very good in maths because i am average in maths right now but i am determined to do better if it takes to become an engineer.
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    What subjects should I choose for aeronautical engineering and how do I prepare?

    i have to choose 5 subjects what should i choose rather than physics (maths is compulsory) i have chosen chemistry, economics, accounts and business studies. what do you recommend best for aeronautics from these subjects and what should i do to better prepare myself.
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    What subjects should I choose for aeronautical engineering and how do I prepare?

    what subjects must i choose for this engineering and how should i prepare. i am 14 and i am in grade 8.