Recent content by asca

  1. asca

    Solving Quadratic Equations with y=A/[B+(x-C)^2]

    Maybe I got it. What is the electric force bewteen a charge a q1 located in (C,0) and charge q2 located in (x,b)? F= Kq1q2/[b^2+(x-C)^2] so y=F, A=kq1q2, B= b^2 and C is C. Bah ! What do you think?
  2. asca

    Solving Quadratic Equations with y=A/[B+(x-C)^2]

    In a nutshell the problem seems to be: what is the ratio of something divided by the square of two other things that are 90 degrees apart form each other (in some space) e where one of those two has a symmetry point in C...
  3. asca

    Solving Quadratic Equations with y=A/[B+(x-C)^2]

    No I can't make a case even for RLC. I do not see how I can get rid of the square root, unless I arbitarily square both sided of any eqautrion that comes to my mind...
  4. asca

    Solving Quadratic Equations with y=A/[B+(x-C)^2]

    maybe something that has to deal with inclined plane and a spring
  5. asca

    Solving Quadratic Equations with y=A/[B+(x-C)^2]

    You see, I keep seeing bsquared as R squared in the impedence formula. Geometry I obviously think about Pythagorean theorem. But I do not manage to imagine what are the sides of this triangle !
  6. asca

    Solving Quadratic Equations with y=A/[B+(x-C)^2]

    Gee I'm not getting it. Now I'm too focussed towards the RLC circuit I do not succeed in thinking about anything else...
  7. asca

    Solving Quadratic Equations with y=A/[B+(x-C)^2]

    Thank you all for your attempts, and please forgive me if I posted the question in an inapproriate way. Unfortunately the question is the exact question the exam poses. They ask you to deduct which physical situation could be described by such kind of equation. And once you get to the answer...
  8. asca

    Ancient production of sulfuric acid

    Well my idea is to show them how stronger such acid is, I mean the one we make in the classroom using the ancient method, with respect to vinegar. Before "making" H2S04 I may show then the effect of vinegar on baking soda, now I do not know if the H2S04 made in the classroom can "boil out" some...
  9. asca

    Ancient production of sulfuric acid

    OK. Thank you everybody. As I said I'd like to recreate a production process BEFORE sulfuric acid was known, so TheethWithere gave me a good clue. Now the second part of my initial question. How is it reasonable to show a way to test it, once again BEFORE litmus paper was available. Thank you again
  10. asca

    Ancient production of sulfuric acid

    Hi everydoby, the closest thread I found was this one,, but I am not puzzled by and "missing oxygen". I'm trying to find a detailed description, or even better a video, where someone tries to replicate the process that we...
  11. asca

    B How Does LIGO Detect Gravitational Waves Despite Changes in Spacetime?

    Everything is clear now folks. When I wrote that stuff about the clocks I was momentarily carried away by the thought of a static gravitational field, but this is not the case when a wave is passing by, so I was really "off tune", sorry.
  12. asca

    B How Does LIGO Detect Gravitational Waves Despite Changes in Spacetime?

    Meanwhile I found an even clearer (at least to me) answer to my initial question. Still I remain puzzled by the new question: what happens in general to the clocks placed in the X and Y arms? Why does Ibix say that their pace does not change?
  13. asca

    B How Does LIGO Detect Gravitational Waves Despite Changes in Spacetime?

    Sorry, I'm not so sure about what I just wrote: my question is what happens to the clocks in the X arm and to the clocks in the Y arm? I'm not so sure about the aswer I gave before, because the clock should not be affected by the direction of observation.
  14. asca

    B How Does LIGO Detect Gravitational Waves Despite Changes in Spacetime?

    Just for the sake of completness, I found this article surfing the net : However I'd just like to share the following: what happens to the clocks in the "x" arm of the example? Isn't their pace slower than the pace...