Recent content by AsadQZR

  1. AsadQZR

    How does turning off a light bulb affect the entire electric grid?

    Thank you very much for that link, I am halfway through it, and it is very informative. I will ask one question in my threads from now on.
  2. AsadQZR

    I Reconsidering Gravity: The Illusion of a Fourth Force Revealed

    Hello, tex, I hope my opinion and limited information on this can add to your post. As far as I know (which is very little) gravity can be treated mathematically as an intrinsic property of objects which distorts spacetime, or a force that attracts masses to each other (with the appropriate...
  3. AsadQZR

    What can I learn from fellow physicists and engineers at PF Asad?

    My name is Asad, and I am a physics student at Dubai American Academy, in the UAE. I am excited to help (even though I doubt I can) and more excited to learn from you cool physicists and engineers!
  4. AsadQZR

    How does turning off a light bulb affect the entire electric grid?

    Hello Physics Forums, this is my first post! I wanted to know how the current electrical grid system works. I mean, not in terms of creation, transmission, and distribution, but rather, how you would draw it on a circuit diagram. I understand that an AC current is generated at the power factory...