Recent content by arunbg

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    Hooking up surround sound, how to disable tv's speakers?

    Why can't you just press the mute button on the TV remote, or turn the volume down to zero if there is no mute option. Or do you want to control your amp volume with your TV remote? Btw you should have posted this under the technology forum.
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    Bug Youtube videos blocking thread options

    Sorry for the late response, I was out of town. I use an old CRT monitor set at 800X600. Funny thing is when I accessed the page without logging in, google ads appeared between the video and the menu preventing overlap. Once I log in and refresh the page, the ads disappear and I am stuck with...
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    Bug Youtube videos blocking thread options

    I don't know if this has been reported yet. Embedded videos at the top of the page seem to be blocking drop down menus of thread options . I noticed it at this". For example, the Share it option cannot be properly accessed.
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    How tall are you and how much do you weigh?

    5'11'' and 132lbs. I am considered tall and underweight in my part of the world.
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    What Is the Term for Outdated Technology?

    I'd say the word here is 'better'.
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    Girl Dies After Parents Pray for Healing Instead Getting Medical Help

    Exactly the point I am trying to make. Spending time in the slammer is not going to make them change their views. I don't even think it would deter like-minded individuals from doing the same. And as you say, if the incident only strengthens their belief, the only point in the punishment would...
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    Girl Dies After Parents Pray for Healing Instead Getting Medical Help

    I wonder what the minimum sentence would be if they are convicted. Would it be enough incentive for them to abandon theirs beliefs?
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    Isaac Newton and Albert Einstein

    What bubble? I am not saying that I am Einstein or Newton! Again all I am saying is that there is no way you can prove that people like Einstein and Newton exist today. Also bear in mind these two didn't have the best education, as say compared to most of their peers. I have heard arguments...
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    Solving the Cos+SinTan/SinSec=Csc Equation

    How did you go from (cos+sin(sin/cos))/(sin/1/cos) to (cos+sin^2sincos)/(sin/cos) ? The cosine should become the LCM in the numerator.
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    Parameterize the curve of intersection

    Seems good to me. You can check by substituting the parametrized values for x,y,z in the original 2 equations.
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    Isaac Newton and Albert Einstein

    This is exactly my point of view too. I was just being sarcastic in the part you quoted. Simply because the field of physics has grown significantly, does not validate comparisons of today's physicists with Einstein and Newton. We can never know unless we could resurrect the two of them in...
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    Isaac Newton and Albert Einstein

    Me neither. @zooby: I think werg22 is trying to say that contemporary physics has grown so much that contributions of "geniuses" today don't matter as much as those by Einstein and Newton. This also implies that had these "geniuses" been in the same time period, they might have been just as...
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    Cylindrical optimization problem

    Write an equation using the fact that the volume of the cylinder is known. This will help you relate height and radius of the container. Use this in the expression to be minimized.
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    How does this C programme work with recursive functions?

    Think about flow of control. How do these functions get called exactly? Ever heard of recursion?
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    Why Did This Rabbit Choose Suicide on the Road?

    Must be Bugs Bunny, nobody can run him over ;)