Recent content by ArthurRead

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    Stuck on Proof by induction of 2^n>n^3 for all n>=10

    Wow. That's creative. So basically I can't just say that n^3 > 3n^2 + 3n + 1 because 3n^2 isn't the only term? And is there a reason your last inequality is 10n^2 <= n^3 instead of just 10n^2 < n^3? Can I just say 10n^2 <n^3 because n>=10? Thank you!
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    Stuck on Proof by induction of 2^n>n^3 for all n>=10

    Homework Statement Using the principle of mathematical induction, prove that for all n>=10, 2^n>n^3 Homework Equations 2^(n+1) = 2(2^n) (n+1)^3 = n^3 + 3n^2 + 3n +1 The Attempt at a Solution i) (Base case) Statement is true for n=10 ii)(inductive step) Suppose 2^n > n^3 for some integer >=...
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    Java What is the problem with excessive indentations in Java if-else statements?

    Hello everyone. I am a little confused as to how I should organize if else statements in java. Here is an example from my Leap Year program: if (x<1600) { System.out.println(setError); } else if (x>2013) { System.out.println(setError); } else { if...
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    How difficult is it to learn Web Development?

    Interesting. Thanks for all the info. I think I might try this.
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    How difficult is it to learn Web Development?

    So the html code in the page source was generated by VB.NET?
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    How difficult is it to learn Web Development?

    Mhmm. What do you use VB.NET for? I took an elective called Visual Basic, in which, we created simple programs like a calculator for example. How does this connect to html and web development?
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    How difficult is it to learn Web Development?

    That makes sense. My friend said he just uses notepad, which I guess, means pure HTML code. So I should learn HTML5, or learn HTML4 first? I think html5 is a work in progress but my friend told me that everyone is using it these days.
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    How difficult is it to learn Web Development?

    Thanks for your reply. I don't think I will be "designing" that much. My friend said that he mostly codes and debugs. I took a web design elective in high school and got my feet wet in Dreamweaver cs5. We dealt very little with the actual html code behind it though.
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    How difficult is it to learn Web Development?

    I'm going to be in school for a while and I need some source of income. My friend has a friend who finds jobs for him that have to do with web development. He says that I could do the same if I just learned HTML5 and gain some experience with the Adobe Suite. How hard is to learn these?
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    Determine the limit of the convergent sequence

    Ah, that was the limit of natural log of the sequence. Since ln(a sub n) = 0, (a sub n) = e^0=1. Thank you so much for guiding me through this. I feel so much better. by the way, is there an easier way to write (a sub n)?...I'm new to this.
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    Determine the limit of the convergent sequence

    I am not getting the right answer. (ln(3/n))/n: the derivative of the numerator is (-1/n) and the derivative of the denominator is 1. Which gives me lim = 0. Did I differentiate correctly?
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    Determine the limit of the convergent sequence

    That makes sense. So am I better off going with my original approach of using L'Hops rule after taking the natural log of both sides?
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    Determine the limit of the convergent sequence

    I am sorry "I Like Serena", I don't understand what you mean by "n1/n could approach anything from 1 up". What ever value n has, you will be taking it to the power of 0. So it has to approach 1. I know I am wrong but I don't understand how.
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    Determine the limit of the convergent sequence

    Thank you, So I get (3^(1/n)) / (n^(1/n)) If n approaches ∞, the the numerator is 1 because the exponent approaches 0. So would it be sufficient for me to apply the same mentality to denominator and say that it approaches 1? That would give me 1 for the limit of the sequence which is the...