Recent content by Arsonade

  1. A

    Question about my math teacher

    well you see (and i would not have belived this had i not seen it myself multiple times) becasue of her stature and generally mild disposition (for a while i jokingly called her the mouse teacher) she tends to get taken advantage of a lot, plus my school that she's teaching at was her's from...
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    Question about my math teacher

    good ideas, ill run them by her, yeas i know what you meen about the stress, its a problem in most workplaces, however, our administration right now has been signiling her out, short story, the boss is not a reasonable person (to the students as well i haveto say) so if she finds an...
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    Question about my math teacher

    hi there i have a question about my math teacher and i bet someone on this fourum could help my teacher is a very tiny person, she's about 4-5 feet tall and one of the nicest people i know she also has a lot of disorders that are all triggered by stress after many years teaching, she has...
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    Making an EMP: What You Need to Know

    hehehe well this should be fun attempting to make, yeah i guess as a prank it wouldn't work out too well hehe, ill probably wind up doing what i normally do, make it, then go into a field somewhere with some electronics is don't need and see what happens hehe, quite the hobby i soppose Adam
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    Making an EMP: What You Need to Know

    I have a question about EMPs now, i think i have made them before as i was experimenting with magents a while back (almost knocked out my calculator if i remember correctly, but what is the usuall way of making one? what determines how strong the field is? how about how large it is? i...
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    Procrastination of my reserch projec

    rigth, so i tyhought that the large surface area might make friction an issue, and with the added spin it might increace, it would probably break around a certain altitude dropped from. just thought of it, a lightbulb falling right in front of you and exploding beore it hit the ground, that...
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    Procrastination of my reserch projec

    procrastination of my reserch project has brought my ADD to this particular subject lol, say you dropped a lightbulb from somewhere very high up, say, from a commercial jet altitude, or any other in witch would change the factors now my main question is how, or when would it it shatter, if it...
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    Dissolving Rubber/Plastic/Wire Coatings - Advice Needed

    this question is kind of short and is sort of a threadwaste so sorry but is there any type of solution that might disolve rubber? plastic? somthing that might disolve the coatings around wires? somthing that might be used to strip wires, except it would disolve it. thanks Adam
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    Harnessing Magnetic Fields for Energy: Adam's Questions

    yes well i think i will get right to the point on this one, my first question is this i heard about these group of people that live neer the Hoover dam, specifically, neer the output power lines, that are complaining about electromagetic radiation from the powerlines, magnatisim. now my first...
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    Speed of light in any man made vehicle

    but, and i am probably very wrong, but if we can slow down light, how can we say taht speed of light is a constant? i soppose there would be really no use for this expriment lol the car would allow it to see itself moving at speed of light, would probably do no good lol, also as for the...
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    How Can I Simplify Trigonometric Expressions in My Homework?

    well, i honestly dont, e are just learning this and i am having trouble finding LCDs and factoring these types of operations, Adam
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    Speed of light in any man made vehicle

    well, let's say c = 4mph, we have 2 cars, each's rear end is a big mirror with a mirror tainted window so that the passenger looking back can see out, but to anyone behind, it looks like a mirror, these 2 cars are faced back to back, they each start driving at 1mph away from each other, the...
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    Solving the Rocket Egg Problem: Help Kyle Launch and Land!

    you dooo have a parachute don't you? try encasing the egg in a foam like substance, try homedepot and see if they have one of those foam blocks with sandpaper on the sides. i just cut off the sides, fitted it to the tube and carved out room for the eggs, worked well except for the high center of...
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    How Can I Simplify Trigonometric Expressions in My Homework?

    i have some problems (37 actually) that i have tried vvery much to work on and have gotten nowhere just to give you an example, the first one is tanx cosx i have to simplify this the first thing i would do is make it sinx cos cosx but after this I am stumped. the other problems...
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    Speed of light in any man made vehicle

    i do not know if the theory behind this will work, but seems plausable now as far as i know, we have not attained the speed of light in any man made vehicle, however, 1/4 the speed of light seems a much more plausable situation. in this experiment, the set up looks somthing like this...