Recent content by arpit2agrawal

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    Schools Summer project at top US/European university

    Thanks for replying. I forwarded you email I'm sending. I sent to 10 professors and got reply from just one. I'm continuing to contact more though.
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    Schools Summer project at top US/European university

    I'm 1st year student of masters in physics at Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Bombay. I'm looking forward to do 2016 summer project at some top US/European university. I can fund my travel, stay & food using my savings. I just want to work with top physicists and gain good research...
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    Schools Getting into MSc Physics programme in European university

    Hello I'm doing BSc in Physics from Pune University in India and will pass with very good grades. I want to know how competitive is admission for MSc Physics programme in top European universities. Is it very tough to get into top universities? What do they look for in the application to give...
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    Programs Bachelor of Engineering (Computer) to PhD (Physics)

    Thank you SophusLies. I am applying to around 15 universities. Let's see from where I get admit from.
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    Programs Bachelor of Engineering (Computer) to PhD (Physics)

    Hello All I have done Bachelor of Engineering (Computer) and has 4 years of work-ex in software and hardware industry. I am applying for PhD (Physics) for fall 2012 for Theoretical Physics (High energy / Particle / Nuclear / Quantum physics) My scores: Subject GRE (Physics): 940/990...
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    Getting into physics after computer engineering

    So if I get "somewhere" and complete my Masters in Physics, will there be any scope for getting admit into PhD at top university like Harvard? (considering my bad GRE verbal score). Also please suggest me some universities I should apply for Masters (a terminal masters degree).
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    Getting into physics after computer engineering

    Got following scores: Subject GRE Physics: 940/990 General GRE: 800/800 quant 340/800 verbal 3.0 analytical writing Just to remind, I have done Bachelors of Engineering in Computer Science. Any chance of getting admit into PhD Physics program of top university like Harvard?
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    Physics Best place for theoretical physicists

    And even if I did get a job, I'll have to live an austere frugal life. And my Indian friends with even "average" intelligence and knowledge are getting good job easily just after doing masters in computer from US university. Then why did God made way for physicists so tougher? :frown: I think my...
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    Physics Best place for theoretical physicists

    I have my business in my hometown which pays me enough to live a luxurious life in India. And I get lots of free time also. If what you are saying is true, then can't I get a PhD from Indian institute like IISc and then settle down in my hometown handling my business and also doing research in...
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    Postdoc in US for a Married Indian Physics PhD Holder: Visa Help & Chances

    Who is this "someone"? A tenured professor of the university or what? And how much money does he make for himself?
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    Postdoc in US for a Married Indian Physics PhD Holder: Visa Help & Chances

    I heard PhD earning is not enough to support family. Now you are saying even postdoc wage might not be enough. Then which wage is enough? Assistant professor? Or Tenured associate professor? I mean one spends say 5 years in PhD and than say 6 years in postdoc (3 postdoc of 2 years each or 2...
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    Postdoc in US for a Married Indian Physics PhD Holder: Visa Help & Chances

    That's because till the time I complete PhD in India, I will be married and probably have a kid also. So if I then decide to go for postdoc to US, I'll have to take my wife and child along with me. So I am afraid US government will reject my visa because if not, then they would have to grant 3...