Recent content by Arij

  1. Arij

    Other Why Choose Computational Physics?

    I have graduated and left the united states. I have not questioned this before, that's why I'm asking the community at PF.
  2. Arij

    Other Why Choose Computational Physics?

    Hello, I've been wondering lately why would one change study path from theoretical or applied physics to computational physics or become a simulation expert? I am a physics graduate myself and based on the job market where I live I might need to pursue material sciences or computational...
  3. Arij

    Courses How Should I Structure My Senior Year Solid State Physics Term Paper?

    unfortunately I am very tight on time and I kind of missed my chance to ask. are "review papers" the same as journal article? or is it more of a scientific paper/ thesis with an experiment or a data analysis (new question to answer) kind of paper?
  4. Arij

    Courses How Should I Structure My Senior Year Solid State Physics Term Paper?

    Hello every one, End of terms papers always are weird and non natural for me. This is a senior class about solid state physics and we are asked to write a 5-10 pgs term paper on a certain topic. My question is how do you go about formatting this kind of paper? Abstract(??) ->...
  5. Arij

    Finding the number of electrons?

    forgot to mention that he did mention it's number of electrons passing through xx ohms in one second. Correct me if wrong, your suggestion is: n=Q/e=Idt/e= (V/R)dt/e=(V/dt) R/e and assuming V/dt = 1 but I'm not how does that work if I look at it dimensionally using units.
  6. Arij

    Finding the number of electrons?

    Homework Statement I was asked to find number of electrons passing through a wire giving only resistance. Homework Equations V=IR I = dQ/dt n= Q/e The Attempt at a Solution It's pretty straight forward, with direct substitution of the equations with the written order. I could attempt this...
  7. Arij

    Other Email Request: Join Research Group?

    I am sorry if this sounds very basic, but I am really troubled on what to title an email regarding a request to join a research group! Any ideas or guidelines?
  8. Arij

    Studying Falling behind in physics courses

    as harsh as this sounded when I first read it, I think you are completely correct. Searching for answers online takes away from my ability to think. understanding from texts is more important than the professor
  9. Arij

    Studying Falling behind in physics courses

    I have finished this semester, I passed my classical with a B and quantum with a C+, I hoped for better but I am glad I passed. I think your comment was very helpful for me, I was missing the part of organizing and visualizing what i need to study. setting a timer limit also helped a lot, I used...
  10. Arij

    Studying Falling behind in physics courses

    I do have chegg for the texbook problems but I should be able to get the others from the professor. For classical I use Taylor and I would like to review Energy ch4 and Damping ch5. How should approach this? For Quantum, I feel like I am lost, like I don't undersant how to divide the material...
  11. Arij

    Studying Falling behind in physics courses

    Also, as I get bored in my classical mechanics class there is no help for me but to reach for my phone. So that's a problem too.
  12. Arij

    Studying Falling behind in physics courses

    Usually the proffers either don't have very good presenting skills, and use slide show to explain classical mechanics for examples. In quantum I feel like the professor goes too fast for me and I cannot fill the math steps in my head when he skips them. It's hard to take notes and understand...
  13. Arij

    Studying Falling behind in physics courses

    Hi all, So I'm having hard time going through my physics courses. I tend to fall behind in the middle of the semster and once I'm behind it's hard to get myself on track again. So I am taking Classical Mechanics using Taylor's textbook. And Quantum Mechanics using griffiths I want to...
  14. Arij

    How Does Frequency Depend on Gravity in Classical Mechanics?

    Homework Statement how from this question using Energy principles I can find how frequency depends on g? Homework EquationsThe Attempt at a Solution I know that frequency is sqrt(k/m) this is a formula you use in introductory physics. but I am lost on how to do it from energy route or...
  15. Arij

    2nd Diff eq application - Vertical stretch

    Hello guys, first I am sorry I didn't use the template. I deleted it by mistake and I didn't know how to create a new thread from scratch. so I have two cases of the same problem, on with initial conditions of pulling down and the other pushing up, I tried different signs but It didn't work...