Recent content by arianabedi

  1. A

    Dr Who Fans Unite - Join the Community

    Humans doing anything is portrayed very nicely in the series, I absolutly loved the episode *THERE ARE NO REAL SPOILERS HERE, READ ON* where they travel to the end of the universe and its just humans on a planet "Utopia" and they just live there forever laughing at the thermodynamic death of the...
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    Writing essays using Lyx: Where is the mac version gone?

    Thanks for the reply. To be honest I'm note sure how it never occurred to me to turn my VPN software off and download it form the website again! Sorry for the bother. Sadly without the VPN (in China) its going to take me 2-3 hours to download a relatively small 100MB file :)
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    Writing essays using Lyx: Where is the mac version gone?

    Writing essays using Lyx: Where is the mac version gone?? Dear PFers, Im a young-old-time-Latex user and I always use Lyx when doing simple reports like Laboratory reports (as a good and stable GUI). Ever once in a while, I format all my electronic devices (and i mean all of them, even the...
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    Dr Who Fans Unite - Join the Community

    I started watching Dr. WHO recently (started with the 2005 reboot up to yesterday's release) and I must say its a great show! However I have fell in love with the newest Dr and this last two seasons. The writers are using the true potential of a time traveler in term of complex stories and good...
  5. A

    Can continuous acceleration reach speed of light?

    I think the text quoted above is as simply as Eisntein would put it for you him self, minus the German accent :devil:
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    Thermal simulation with SolidWorks (looking for tutorials/sources)

    Dear PF-ers (whats a thing right?), Alright as per previous experience, I ask what I'm looking for first, then explain (for those lazy readers): I am looking for some books/ebooks/sources specifically relating to simulation (Thermal) in Solidworks. I've gone through all videos on Youtube and...
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    Real world applications of Parametric Differentiation.

    Hi, for a presentation I am requested to give some examples of the Real world applications of Parametric Differentiation. Now i know its to do with a differentiation of 3 variables that are connected, but for the love of god i cannot think of any examples of its practical uses. any help...
  8. A

    Real Work Application of Newthon-Raphson method.

    Hey very sorry for the late reply, this tread just slipped my mind. Well it seems like a perfect real world engineering example but it would be fantastic if you could provide me with a simple example of doing that. Right now I'm reading on shock polars since i'll have to explain what they are (i...
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    Real Work Application of Newthon-Raphson method.

    Well this seems like a "real world use" and i'll have to solve it first. unfortunately this presentation of mine is being a pain in the neck! *EDIT* forgot to mention, could you please give me an example of using this? I'm currently googling it but just in case i don't find anything useful...
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    Real Work Application of Newthon-Raphson method.

    Well not really engineering related but i found this question from [HERE] but sadly its not engineering related, seems more like finance/accounting to me: "It costs a firm C(q) dollars to produce q grams per day of a certain chemical, where C(q) = 1000 + 2q + 3q2/3 The firm can sell any...
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    Real Work Application of Newthon-Raphson method.

    Real Work Application of "Newthon-Raphson" method. Homework Statement Hi, an undergrad engineering (presentation) question: As a presentation, I am (plus a group mate) tasked to present a real world application of the Newthon-Raphson method (of finding a root). Now I know that we can also...
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    How do some get into research at Uni?

    Hey everyone! I was watching this TED talk video on youtube about a new form of battery [ LINK ] and other than all the marvel of the new invention, I was really struck by the fact that they had undergrads within their team. As for me, the only thing I've ever really enjoyed doing was...
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    Vector Equations for Perpendicular Lines: Finding Intersection Point

    Well the reason is that I've been told by my tutor that I will not be studying vectors.
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    Vector Equations for Perpendicular Lines: Finding Intersection Point

    Homework Statement This is a "exam style" question for A-Level mathematics regarding vectors. The question is as followed: Relative to a fixed origin O, the points A and B have position vectors 4i+3j-k and i+4j+4k respectively. (a) Find the vector equation of the line l1 which passes through...
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    Is the Kindle Library Sufficient for Scientific Readers?

    Hey, Im an undegrad engineering student and I am really interested in high end physics and meta physics. I also like to read a lot so I've got myself a large number of books that I have to carry around with me. Recently I decided to buy an iPad so I can do some reading (seeing iphone's...