Recent content by Arden

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    Help with physics impulse problem

    I just need a little help getting past the first step. I have already converted rpm to rad/sec. 120 J are done on a fly wheel to raise its speed from 60rpm to 160 rpm. Find its moment of inertia. How do I convert 120J to power and how do I set up the inertia half
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    What is Specific Gravity? | Arden's Questions

    Does anyone know what specific gravity is? If something has a weight of specific gravity of 780, what does that mean, do I need to take something into account before calculating? Thank you - Arden
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    Determine the time it take for the car and the truck to meet

    a car starts from rest at a point 300m from a truch that is moving at a constant rate of 30m/s toward the car. IF the car accelerates at .8m/s2, determine the time it take for the car and the truck to meet. s=300 This is what I did Car: Vi = 0, a = .8 Vf^2=2as = Vf=21.9 Vf=at 21.9/.8...