Recent content by apoechma

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    Calculating the variance with a TWIST

    Calculating the variance with a TWIST! Hello! I am trying to understand this problem! its just on my practice questions and Ihave the answer, I CAN NOT understand how to set it up! PLEASE someon ehelpo! THis is it :) A student wants to calculate the variance of a set of 10 scores. But he...
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    How Do You Calculate Probabilities for Normally Distributed Scores?

    Continous Random Variable HELP PLEASE! Scores on a particular test are normally distributed in the population, with a mean of 100 and a standard deviation of 15. What percentage of the population have scores ... a) Between 100 and 125 b) Between 82 and 106 c) Between 110 and 132...
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    Normal Distribution of Test Scores: Percentages for Various Ranges

    Scores on a particular test are normally distributed in the population, with a mean of 100 and a standard deviation of 15. What percentage of the population have scores ... a) Between 100 and 125 b) Between 82 and 106 c) Between 110 and 132 d) Above 132 e) Equal to 132...
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    Standard Card Question - Probability

    Thank u very much! i understand this all now, excecet can someone please explain further I understand P(1) is saying what is the probability that they get 1 point? Would you not take the probability of getting one point which is .24 (12/51) * .24? I do not udnerstand this part! THANK U!
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    Calculate the chance books will be returned to library

    the answer it has is .0135?? Thats why I am confused! Cud this be wrong?!
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    Standard Card Question - Probability

    A standard 52 deck contains 4 different suits with 13 cards in each suit A player is allowed to draw 2 cards at a time. If a pair of matching in suit is drawn the player receives 1 point, if a pair matching in number is drawn, the plaeyer receives 2 points, otherwise the player gets no points...
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    Calculate the chance books will be returned to library

    OKay! That helped me so MUCH! Thanks ! But here is what i did! AND it still doesn't work out! So there are 8 ways of doing DDGG, each is .05*.05*.95*.95 correct? Therefore the Probability of each one is .0023. When Multiplying this by 8, the answer is NOT what it shud be!??! So what am I...
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    Probability Question - POLITICS?

    Probability Question - POLITICS?! :) In a recent survey 480 out of 600 Canadians polled stated that they were dissatisfied with politicians. OF the remainging 120 who were olled, 75% were satisfied with politicians, and 25% had no opinion. Assuming that these findings can be generalized to all...
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    FUn questions - Probability - help

    Im still having a hard time, cud someone please put the numbers into the equation for me? Once I see this I will understand SO MANY more questions! THank you sooo mUCH!
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    Calculate the chance books will be returned to library

    OH! haha I just re read it! I unsderstand! OKAY so DDGG is .05*.05*.95*.95 the answer is NOT a!?
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    Calculate the chance books will be returned to library

    Okay I do not understand what the GOod probability is> Like for the first question a) DDGG< the damaged is .05*.05 but is the good then .94? Please help, and with a formula??
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    Calculate the chance books will be returned to library

    Please help probability asap!:) I have tried to understand this problem a million times, and I can not. The answer I have, however it is not good unless I know how to get there and i do not! A Librarion has estimated that 5% fo the books that people sign out are returned damaged in some way...
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    FUn questions - Probability - help

    FUn questions - Probability - help! Hello! I need help understanding how to get to the answers on this question. I would be sooo appreciative if someone woule write it out and explain it, as once I understand this I can understand a lot more! I REALIZE they are VERY BASIC! so for many it will...