Recent content by ap080

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    Programs Moving forward after the useless Computer Science Major

    Thanks for the advice guys! I'm staying away from the IT world...tried it for a year or two and hated the cubicle :) I'll definitely look into the software engineering stuff, and the other computational science things as well...I actually looked into Neuroscience, but the prereqs were a...
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    Programs Moving forward after the useless Computer Science Major

    Ahh I see what your saying, but I guess my problem would be that a lot of programs/scholarships/admissions end up being competitive. With a degree that didn't directly prepare me for something like a masters in ME, I'm just at a disadvantage to those who do have them. I guess my question is less...
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    Programs Moving forward after the useless Computer Science Major

    Could you go into a little detail about why you think the CS degree is a benefit? I'm trying to mentally picture an interview with a Master's program admissions panel asking me this exact question. I can say that I have a firmly logical and math-based root in many difference scientific...
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    Programs Moving forward after the useless Computer Science Major

    Moving forward after the "useless" Computer Science Major Let's face it, general consensus is a CS major is about as useless as you can get when it comes to the sciences. While you're taking your undergrad, they fill your heads with these lofty ideas and practical uses of computer science...