Recent content by Antigone

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    Questions about superconductivity

    Hi 1) Can all chemical elements be superconductive? 2) It is said that in diamagnetic materials there are no unpaired electrons. Does this mean that only such materials can be superconductive?
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    Heat Loss & Mass: Kinetic Theory Explained

    Strange that they would teach a false statement to students. If it does lose mass, then it is false to say that it doesnt. Thank you, I was quite frustrated there for a while.
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    Heat Loss & Mass: Kinetic Theory Explained

    I believe heat can come in a couple of forms. But when I say heat consists of photons I mean in the sense of thermal radiation. From Britannica: thermal radiation, process by which energy, in the form of electromagnetic radiation, is emitted by a heated surface in all directions and...
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    Heat Loss & Mass: Kinetic Theory Explained

    Hi Qoutation: "Kinetic theory of matter: All matter is made up of atoms and molecules that are constantly moving. When heat is added to a substance, the molecules and atoms vibrate faster. As atoms vibrate faster, the space between atoms increases. The motion and spacing of the particles...
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    Electrons Collide: What Happens?

    Lets say we had a copper wire, and two magnets. So we conduct currents (electromagnetic induction) with the magnetic fields. If the magnetic fields moves uppwards then down, the current of electrons will flow to the "left". If we move the magnetic field down and up, the current will flow to the...
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    Electrons Collide: What Happens?

    What would happen i you forced two Electric currents to collide? Say we have two currents where one current flows "up" the other one "down", and they hit each other at a certain Place?
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    What Happens to a Magnet Near Two Opposing Currents?

    When I look at videos on youtube, the Compass is perpendicular to the current. So if the current moves downwards, the Compass Points to West. If it moves upwards, the Compass Points to East. Now, this Compass is lying upon the wire, but I havnt seen how it reacts when moved around the magnetic...
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    What Happens to a Magnet Near Two Opposing Currents?

    I Think A. I Think that the North-pole will Point at wire A, and the South-pole at wire B. And I can't "draw the magnetic lines". Also I don't want to know how a compass is lined up "between the wires". I would like to know how the mangetic needle reacts individually to each wire.
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    What Happens to a Magnet Near Two Opposing Currents?

    Two parallel wires carrying currents can repel each other, if the currents flow in the opposite direction. What would happen to a magnet or magnetic compass, if brought to close to the magnetic field of the first current, and then the second current? What direction would it point to/or which...
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    Current of Electrons: Magnetic Field & Protons

    Yes, thank you for teaching me that. The neutron that moves must be seen as an object that moves ind irectly because of the magnetic field. Because it has zero net charge, and therefore cannot be affected by the magnetic field in a direct way. At least I think so, though I am no expert on...
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    Current of Electrons: Magnetic Field & Protons

    An magnetic field can make a current flow of electrons. But can the magnetic field make the protons move or is it "just" the electrons that flow?
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    Proton Vibrations: The Behavior of Protons When Not Bound to Nucleus

    Dear Bill, Atoms do vibrate: I Think I've Heard that an nucleus vibrates even if it is freezed down. But I am not sure on that one.
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    Proton Vibrations: The Behavior of Protons When Not Bound to Nucleus

    Hi First of all I really want to thank you for your answer, because you have understood my question. I am from Sweden, and my English is not the best. Now to your answer. Yes, you are stopping photons, but these are never motionless. For a while they are in a electron and "slows down", but...
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    Proton Vibrations: The Behavior of Protons When Not Bound to Nucleus

    Hi all, a) Do a proton still vibrate if it isn't bound to its nucleus? I mean, if it is "alone" (no neutron, no electron). Do anybody know if they have done experiments on it? I would like to know if it has been observed/measured in some way. b) An electron does not "like" to be still, it...
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    Two-photon physics/quantum electrodynamics

    In a Wikipedia article about two-photon physics it is stated: "From quantum electrodynamics it can be found that photons cannot couple directly to each other, since they carry no charge, but half wavelength is a positive charge and the next half wavelength is a negative charge." This is the...