Recent content by anti_crank

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    News Bin Laden is a Tyrant, says Bush

    I particularly liked the part where he claimed the US had been 'invaded' in 2001.
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    Why Are There Strange Ads on This Science Website?

    Fine by me; where do I send the list? (I do not have it on me though since I am currently away on a visit, but I will have it next week.) Also, I wonder if Google adsense has any provisions that prohibits false advertising.
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    Why Are There Strange Ads on This Science Website?

    Alas, it's all wishful thinking, unless you can program a web crawler to distinguish between a valid and a crackpot science site. It has been suggested that this can be done by counting the number of times the page changes font color and/or size from paragraph to paragraph...
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    The Importance of Zero: Uncovering its Significance

    Add the extended real number system to the list of things you're ignorant about. HallsOfIvy was careful to distinguish between numbers according to some definition on one hand, which may include none, one, or many concepts of infinity, and the formal real numbers on the other, which do not...
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    The Importance of Zero: Uncovering its Significance

    This comment is best reserved for the peculiar character you see when you look in the mirror. All integers behave differently. Can you find me more than one integer x such that 2+x=3? Nor do we require this. We want the real numbers to form a field, because fields have many useful properties...
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    Why Are There Strange Ads on This Science Website?

    I have an entire list somewhere of questionable sites I've seen linked through Google ads, though I think some of the worst offenders have already been removed. It is simply not possible to remove all of them since every new post has the potential to contain keywords that will home in on a...
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    C/C++ Learn C++ for Loop: Finding the Total of a Series with Example Code

    The problem is that the answer of num/den would be taken as an interger, then put into a double. So it would convert 0 into...0. The easiest solution would be to declare den as a float (or double).
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    Rack mounted RAID5 for ~ 1 TB storage

    For a R-mounted system like you suggested, I'd generally agree with what graphic7 said. Of course, if you really want to go budget, you can always just pick up some of either the Maxtor 300GB or Seagate's 400GB SATA drives and do it that way.
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    HUMAN LIFE:Who has the final Word?

    Ultimately, a person may decide to take himself off life support, either directly, or, when incapacitated beyond the ability to make such decisions, via previously given instructions. I cannot think of anyone more entitled to judge the value of continued existence more than the person in...
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    Ether Drag Hypothesis Explained - 65 Characters

    In theory, I should get some comments in before the moderators lose their patience and lock this thread and its endless circularity. In practice, it turns out, I've gotten so much entertainment already from reading all this that any commentary would be fairly superfluous. Marlon calls this...
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    Can QM Resolve Other Puzzling Paradoxes Beyond Electrons and Light?

    ZapperZ's journal contains a number of worthwhile reads on the photon picture and experimental status thereof:
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    Exploring the 'Velocity' of Light

    We say light travels at a velocity for a fairly simple reason: we can measure the time (t) it takes for a pulse of light to travel a certain distance (d). Then v=d/t. The 'perspective of light' is very ill defined, as has been mentioned around here before: all space is contracted to one point...
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    What should be the shape around each carbon atom?

    a) Try to come up with the structure of this molecule. Determine to how many other atoms each carbon atom binds, and from that, infer what the geometry should be according to the Vespr model. b) This is extremely simple to answer. You assume an ideal cubic shape: what are the angles between...
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    Resolving the Barber Paradox and the Russell's Paradox

    While this is true, it does not contain a novel solution to Russell's paradox. The Russell paradox was based on the now-discredited axiom that every predicate defines a set. The answer that the Russell set does not exist, along with the concession that some predicates do not define sets at all...
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    CCC-I: Challenging Observations & New Picture of the Universe

    With Eugene Savov on the organizing committee, the scientific validity of this conference is, shall we say, questionable.