Recent content by AnthreX

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    How Would Life Change Without the Moon's Gravity?

    i was reading about moon's gravity... talking about how.. moon's gravity influences the waves in some way in the ocean... if it does influences the waves... then the moon's gravity should influence us as well... what if.. moon is no longer existing.. how would the waves change and how...
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    Can you throw a knife that doesnt even rotate or spin

    Specially in the movies... i see people throw knives at enemy's neck or the head instantly killing them... some of the knife i saw.. fly straight without any rotations... how can you throw a knife that doesn't even rotate or spin... and travel straight with high velocity ? ( and the mass is...
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    Is it possible to make a sun ?

    any sucesses? on the trials ? i heard that they can make the reaction going for like 1 mili second but does anyone know the process ? like.. how they actually do it ? all i know is that, it starts from hydrogen or some other element that is being heated up with really strong lasers, and it...
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    Is it possible to make a sun ?

    is it possible to make a sun ? coz if we do , than we don't need things like fossil fuels to produce heat
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    Mass-Energy Conversion: Exploring the Possibilities & Limitations

    guyz i still don't really know the conclusion... well even if there isn't one thank you for your time
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    Mass-Energy Conversion: Exploring the Possibilities & Limitations

    can mass changed to energy and can energy changed to mass ? if no why ?
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    Exploring the Mysteries of Laser Guns and Lightsabers

    i have been wondering... the guns there r like red laser guns 1.if u want to kill the person why did u have to put the colour to it ? i thought lasers don't have a colour and the lightsabre that's just weird.. can a laser stop ?? it even possible to control its length ...
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    Is it possible to get better technology ?

    when i thought about this i don't think any new physics is being found just all same but the with the physics knowledge we have now.. is it possible to get better technology ?
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    Two Buses Traveling at 100km/h - What's the Connection?

    I was in the bus traveling at 100km/h going to N and i saw another bus going to direction S at the same speed and the same bus and when the other bus that was heading S passed by ( it was 80~100cm between the buses ) i felt the bus shake and heard a swoosh sound ( the window was open on my...
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    American soldiers used uranium bullets

    cool.. say a i shot a uranium bullet to a tank with a rifle like ( M4 ) and would they go through ? or shatter into pieces on contact, if they do shatter into pieces are they radioactive ? i hope they are not shooting radioactive bullets there it wouldn't be such a nice thing to do...
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    American soldiers used uranium bullets

    i heard that in the war between iraq and america the american soldiers used uranium bullets. why is that ? is it because its very dense ?
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    How Does Adding Multiple Neutrons Affect Uranium's Radioactivity?

    you know how when u add a neutron to a stable uranium atom it becomes unstable and it produces alpha,beta and gamma but what if you add 2 neutron, is that possible? if its possible what if i add 2 slow moving neutron what would happen? what if i add 2 fast moving neturon than what would...
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    Exploring 3, 4, and 5 Dimensions: Can They Be Visualized?

    do you guyz remember how i asked if there is 4 dimension but this time i want to know if they could be made into something that we can see ( including other dimensions not just 4)
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    Explaining Alpha Beta & Gamma - Can Someone Help?

    alpha is the particle from an unstable nucleus he-4 yes it is beta is an electron but where does it come from? is it from the nucleus ? gamma is a ray which is has no mass and just like light this is all i know about beta and gamma can somone add something to my statement ?