Recent content by Anthony23

  1. Anthony23

    Galactic Time-Keeping: Creating a Universal Calendar

    Why not use the rotation of the galaxy as a frame of reference? The galaxy has a defined rotational speed, creating a time system based on revolutions our own galaxy since an agreed upon beginning of time (The Big Bang) would seem feasible. I mean, you'd be measuring the rotation based on a...
  2. Anthony23

    A Long Time Ago in a Completely Different Universe

    Well, I did read somewhere that there is an idea that stands that other universes may exhibit differing constants than ours; for example, Planck's constant or Pi. While I don't see how that would be possible, (considering a circle is a circle and it is defined by that very constant) I'm not...
  3. Anthony23

    Fleshing out a sci-fi setting - could use help

    Obviously, if you are interested in types of brutal prison planet scenarios, you can check out Alien 3 and Chronicles of Riddick, if you haven't already. Maybe play or pick up a copy of the game Red Faction for further ideas. (Perhaps you even drew inspiration from these sources!) In such an...
  4. Anthony23

    Exploring Habitability of a Planet with Two Suns

    Wouldn't the planet have to be close enough to the red dwarf where it would be receiving lethal radiation? That would render the planet quite inhospitable for humans, unless there is going to be a non-human race on this planet.
  5. Anthony23

    Greetings (And help formulating an equation)

    Ah, thank you for the input! This is a great starting point, I'm going to play around with the equations tonight! As for some of the great commentary, I haven't actually decided on any set idea for size or length of a waveguide, considering that some of the models we've created each look a...
  6. Anthony23

    Just signed up for steam - game recommendations please

    I'm glad I've never tried League of Legends or Dota... well, I actually used to play Dota when it was a Warcraft 3 Mod. But those games are dangerously addictive. You could try Guild Wars 2 if you want to try some F2P MMO.
  7. Anthony23

    Greetings (And help formulating an equation)

    Hello Physics Forums members! My name is Anthony, first time user of the boards, and wanting to send a friendly hello to everybody! While not a Math wizard, I have a strong grasp on most mathematical and physics concepts and I have a deep fascination of all things Space and Sci-Fi. Without...