Recent content by Annihilator

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    Did our brains evolve to understand quantum mechanics?

    If you have genetic variation, reproduction and the struggle for survival, evolution MUST occur by definition. However there are models of evolution, like neutral selection, where no adaptive evolution occurs but the genome changes. In the real world, stasis is almost unheard of, although...
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    Did our brains evolve to understand quantum mechanics?

    I can't provide a peer review paper which says ""clearly there's been selection in favor of puzzle solvers that's specific enough to pertain to something like QM?" That's not going to happen. All I can do is show the various linking disciplines (and its only a few things I referenced there) and...
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    Did our brains evolve to understand quantum mechanics?

    That's an argument from incredulity. In evolutionary biology lots of lines of evidence, not just molecular, is favoured. Evolutionary psychology also apples to other organisms. Ethology has a history of testing things like peck responses and this is MEASURED by fitness, sometimes they use even...
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    Did our brains evolve to understand quantum mechanics?

    Pythagorean - all the peer review papers above I listed contain puzzle solving related material. Zoobyeshoe is right. Remember, as kids we can't solve some things adults can. This is because developmentally we haven't grown the parts we need, irrespective of how much environmental influence...
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    Did our brains evolve to understand quantum mechanics?

    Brain evolution through sexual selection and optimal foraging in Life History are not just peer-review, they are textbook concept learned in Evolution 101. Very simple basic stuff. Evolutionary psychology and the brain, Bradley Duchaine author, Leda Cosmides, John Tooby in Current Opinion in...
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    Did our brains evolve to understand quantum mechanics?

    In biological terms, the brain is mostly the result of sexual selection of optimal foraging. Different brains in different organisms can be measured much like an intel processor, in terms of Mhz. However we need to go in deeper and ask why behaviour at all. "Evolutionary Psychology" and...
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    Alternative Atmospheres for Life

    The Earth's atmosphere even now isn't static. There are pockets around this planet where the atmospheric conditions conductive to some forms of life are lethal to others. So we don't have to leave our planet or go back in time. Extremophiles are very interesting. One thing to keep in mind is...
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    Philosophy is _not_ just comparative religion .

    I can accept that, but I think the thread didn't go overboard on philosophy, just simply tried to find if equivalence is real and how some maths axioms tied into the physics of things. Anyway its closed so someone thought the content not worth continuation. Which is a pity because halfway...
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    Philosophy is _not_ just comparative religion . Where does it say we can't talk about philosophy/interpretations in QM? This is the read that was closed - BTW - there is a big difference between new research without peer-review and...
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    Philosophy is _not_ just comparative religion .

    Okay fair enough. Politically you have issues with building up the site and all those economic factors. Sorry you can only do applied physics/engineering here. I will take myself off to one of the other sites that can do pure physics then.
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    Philosophy is _not_ just comparative religion .

    Also I am surprised for a forum this size you don't have a single admin dual degree holder in physics/philosophy to set people right on this. Philosophy is not something people guess at. That's like saying in physics we fall out of bed and discover a hypothesis.
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    Philosophy is _not_ just comparative religion .

    What? This makes no sense at all because you can then object to any, absolutely any, interpretation in physics (which it requires) as being 'philosophical' and therefore subjection to rules & regulations. This is a blanket clause to discontinue anything in a physics conversion you want.
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    Brian Greene on The Hidden Reality

    Hello, I have been an avid reader of Brian Greene and have been trying to get through The Hidden Reality. May I ask for anyone who has read it fully. Is it the case that he is postulating multiverse and the holographic principle as his most favoured interpretation and also does he believe...
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    Copenhagen Interpretation vs Instrumentalism

    I read Weinberg before on his criticism. I have kept it in mind, yet doesn't the classical also touch on the quantum in the same way. Like for example using quantum processes in classical models. :) It seems to me though that you have said something here I have been considering. You said the...