Recent content by Anna Kaladze

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    FindFit for the 4-parameter beta distribution

    Hi all, I am trying to use FindFit in order to choose p and q parameters of ft function (which is actually a 4-parameter beta distribution) to match "data". I do not know why I get the Jacobean not being real warning at all times and also very poor fits. (If I do not specify starting guesses...
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    Density and some other function to find

    Hi All, I have been trying to unsuccessfully crack a certain problem for my research, but I get stuck. I found it is easy to describe the problem in a separate document. Can you please have a look at the attached file and give me some help? Thanks! Anna.
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    Average relative distance between 2 functions

    Dear micromass, Thank you for your thorough reply. Yes, my question involving the distance was a bit confused as I mixed up the terminology a bit. But you are right, in a nutshell this is what I ws interested in. However, I am interested in the average relative distance relative to g(x), for...
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    Average relative distance between 2 functions

    Thanks a lot, Sir, for your clarifications. Suppose I am interested in the uniform way, as your 1st formula. How do I compute the average relative distance on a closed interval [a,b]? Thanks a lot.
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    Average relative distance between 2 functions

    Dear Chiro, Thanks for reply. I forgot to mention that my functions are simple deterministic functions, and a and b are real numbers. The functions are continuous, like x^2 and x+2 defined over the interval [1,4] (just an example). I wonder if the formula I had still is correct. thanks
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    Average relative distance between 2 functions

    Thanks for your reply. I wonder if you can please tell me what would be a formula for that using the integral? And also if the one I have posted myself as a possible solution is right or not. Thanks.
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    Average relative distance between 2 functions

    P.S. I originally thought that the answer to my question is simply an integral from a to b of ([f(x)-g(x)]/g(x))dx all divided by (b-a) by I am not sure this is correct or not...
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    Average relative distance between 2 functions

    Hi All, Sorry perhaps for a stupid question, but I am pretty confused by this one... Suppose I have two different smooth functions, f(x) and g(x) both defined on a closed interval [a,b]. How do I calculate the average relative distance between the all values of these functions (say relative...
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    Fixing Complex Results in NIntegrate: Tips and Tricks | Anna

    Hi all, I need to numerically integrate a function by utilizing “Table” command in the process (please see the code below), but for the parameter values I am interested in, I get complex results. I do not know why this is happening. Also, how do I get "normal" real values instead, while also...
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    Mathematica Mathematica repeating commands

    Hi, I have the following simple code in Mathematica: a=1; step=0.5; b=2; y=a^2-5 -4 What I need to do, is make Mathematica calculate the value of y each time for a different value of "a" ranging from the initial value of 1 to "b"(=2) in "step" increment (=0.5), and remember previous...
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    Mathematica Solve large equation (Mathematica)

    Yes, I require an algebraic solution. I wonder what would be the most efficient way to get in Mathematica.
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    Mathematica Solve large equation (Mathematica)

    Hi All, I have a big ugly function (please see the attached Mathematica file), of tau (f(tau)). The only parameters there in symbolic form are w and v. I need to take the derivative of this function with respect to tau, set it equal to zero and solve for tau. (Please see g(tau)). But Solve...
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    Mathematica How to Rescale the Horizontal Axis in Mathematica?

    Hi All, I have some simple Mathematica commands: f[x_]=x^2+3*x-1 Plot[f[x],{x,0,10}] Now, I need to "rescale" the horizontal axis of the resulting graph, so that number 25 is added to its value (i.e., the horizontal axis would take the starting value 25 (in place of 0) and 35 (in...
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    Can an Integral Be Transformed into a Triple Integral?

    Hi Tashi, Thanks a lor for your reply. I think it is not possible to trasform that integral the way I want. I had to do a sequence of NIntegrations as oppsed to doing a simple double integral. Regards, Anna.
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    Mathematica Non-integrable multiple integrals for Mathematica

    Thanks a lot for your help, I have not noticed your file in post 25. I have used now this approach, and indeed it is better. For a different function and a slightly modified ranges of the integration limits, I after I interpolatefunction, the following message...