Recent content by AngryBeavers

  1. AngryBeavers

    Apology and Disclaimer: Guidance in Quantum Interpretations

    I can see the point. Like if someone were to ask me something so broad in my field, such as "How does the POS at the front of the store know where to process end of day transactions within the database on the store server". I could tell them about IP Addresses and packets and routing tables but...
  2. AngryBeavers

    Apology and Disclaimer: Guidance in Quantum Interpretations

    This was a statement in error. I had thought it was a much shorter video than it actually is. It was towards the beginning he offered the statment I meant. Apologies. I am watching the remainder now.
  3. AngryBeavers

    Apology and Disclaimer: Guidance in Quantum Interpretations

    After watching the video, which is interesting, admittedly, I cannot help but feel the answer to be a deflection. Not one that is given unreasonably though. Why did Aunt Millie go to the hospital could quite understandbly lead to the question of why she went to the hospital. Then to how she...
  4. AngryBeavers

    Apology and Disclaimer: Guidance in Quantum Interpretations

    Some forewords.. I am not claiming to understand any of this on the same level as someone who took the classes, has put in the time, and performed the work. I am just someone who has spent a substantial amount of time and effort into finding the answers to questions I have, and these are the...
  5. AngryBeavers

    Apology and Disclaimer: Guidance in Quantum Interpretations

    As to the level, I only had the option for I and A, else I would have chosen B, for sure. I'll look more closely this time. Also, thank you for the clarification. I just finished writing up a post that I feel fits the guidelines perfectly as it is only me trying to understand one aspect of one...
  6. AngryBeavers

    Apology and Disclaimer: Guidance in Quantum Interpretations

    Let me begin with an apology and a disclaimer. I posted here before, with an admittedly defensive, and somewhat hostile demeanor, which is in no way a proper manner to present yourself, especially to a crowd of giants you are hoping to inspire something other than negativity amongst. I am sorry...
  7. AngryBeavers

    Insights Is ChatGPT Reliable for Answering Questions?

    Thats a bit nitpicky in my opinion. As both are LLMs and function the same. If you want to understand an LLM, do not limit yourself to simply one, such as ChatGPT, especially when there are so many others. There is something to be said for starting small, such as to better understand bread, one...
  8. AngryBeavers

    Insights Is ChatGPT Reliable for Answering Questions?

    I hope that this post will not be flagged, as I feel it is keeping to the topic, but, the way I understand it, and if Bard is not having a session of lies with me, then it does have more than "relative word frequencies from it's training data". It is not ChatGPT, but it's serves the same...
  9. AngryBeavers

    Insights Is ChatGPT Reliable for Answering Questions?

    I have a very difficult time wrapping my head around the idea that all it's doing is predicting text based upon its training data, and algorithms. Only because the the likely hood of certain words being used together frequently enough that it becomes meaningful to a generated response has to...
  10. AngryBeavers

    Insights Is ChatGPT Reliable for Answering Questions?

    I think that just about sums up why LLMs are not a risk to most peoples sense of security. I try to think of any LLM as being an interactive search engine. I can search for whatever my little heart desires, but I still have to filter the results myself. Honestly, I get more entertainment value...
  11. AngryBeavers

    Insights Is ChatGPT Reliable for Answering Questions?

    I see. I was wondering. By what I read, it seemed the only LLM being discussed was ChatGPT, which I now understand why. I do not understand exactly why ChatGPT gets so much flack though, even still. At the end of the day, it's merely a tool. I've never seen so much hesitance, anger, and...
  12. AngryBeavers

    ADB to Android device over WiFi

    It's been quite a while, but I thought the correct port for ADB wirelessly would be 5555.
  13. AngryBeavers

    Insights Is ChatGPT Reliable for Answering Questions?

    I admittedly only read the first page of posts, and then skimmed through the rest to arrive here so please forgive me if someone else has asked, but, all of you are aware that there are many, many more LLMs besides ChatGPT? I understand that it is probably the most well known, but in my...
  14. AngryBeavers

    Focus all of your ire on me, if you would

    TL;DR Summary: A completely non-scientific look at wave function, because ChatGPT persuaded me to include my thoughts somehow, some way. Howdy, the post title, as im sure you've noticed, is a weird one, and out of place in such a location. Fitting, considering the topic, I think. Backstory...