Recent content by Angie913

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    Calculating Well Depth: Solving for Standing Sound Waves at 48, 80, and 112 Hz

    There's this problem I'm having lots of trouble with. It is: A person hums into the top of a well and finds that the standing waves are established at frequencies of 48, 80, and 112 Hz. The freq. of 48 Hz is not necessarily the fundamental freq. The speed of sound is 343m/s. How deep is the...
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    Solving Wave Equations: Length, Frequency, Velocity

    I don't understand how number 1 works either. I have a problem exactly like it and I can't get it to work.
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    Calculating Apparent Volume and Density: A Geologist's Guide

    I don't have this problem, but I don't understand number one and what you did. Could you explain it better? I'm not sure what G is and all of that. Thanks!
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    Calculating Linear Acceleration on a Rotating Record

    I got 1.8. You need to use the equation for centripetal acceleration (since the record is spinning) and that is ac= angular velocity^2 times radius. That should give you your answer!
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    What Is the Required Muscle Force to Hold an Outstretched Arm?

    I can get pretty far in this question, but I can't seem to get the final answer. The problem is: Calculate the force required by the "deltoid" muscle, Fm, to hold up an outstretched arm. The total mass of the arm is 3.33kg. On the diagram, the pivot point I chose is the shoulder socket, and...
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    Understanding Torque: Calculating Tension in a Uniform Beam System

    Related to this question, if I wanted to find out what the vertical force on the hinge is, how would I do that? It's not just Tension sin theta is it?
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    Understanding Torque: Calculating Tension in a Uniform Beam System

    The work seems right, I thought about it in my sleep even (physics overload!), but I couldn't get the right answer. We have computerized homework that we type in online and we get 10 tries, and my answer hasn't been right yet. The one I got was 6976.7 and that's not right. Any suggestions??
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    Understanding Torque: Calculating Tension in a Uniform Beam System

    P.S. It didn't sound like an order, don't worry, I appreciate all your help. I wish my instructor was as good at explaining things. Staying up late has gotten to be a habit and I forget it's 1:00 am already. Sorry to keep you up and thanks again!
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    Understanding Torque: Calculating Tension in a Uniform Beam System

    I understand that we don't need to find reaction forces from the equation. For some reason, it doesn't give me the right answer though. Maybe I calculated it wrong. Anyway...for Rx I pointed it to the right (same direction as the beam coming out of the wall to the right) and Ry I pointed...
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    Understanding Torque: Calculating Tension in a Uniform Beam System

    Ooh, no. I didn't know how to do sigma Fx and sigma Fy and that's what I meant. Wow, really confused. On my paper, I do use Fx (pointing to the right) and Fy(pointing up) for the hinges too. I should've clarified that, I'm sorry.
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    Understanding Torque: Calculating Tension in a Uniform Beam System

    I am horrible at these problems, I don't understand how to do them very well but your explanation did help a great deal. The only thing is, what gave the impression I drew Fx and Fy in the negative x direction and the negative y direction? I did on my free-body diagram, so obviously I wrote it...
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    How Do I Calculate a Figure Skater's Final Moment of Inertia?

    Can you be my teacher?! Haha. My professor is terrible at explaining things and that just made so much sense. I have just one question. Is the angular momentum always Inertia initial times angular velocity initial = Inertia final * angular velocity final (in the same way as mass initial...
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    How Do I Calculate a Figure Skater's Final Moment of Inertia?

    I stared at this problem for 45 minutes trying to figure it out! It seems so easy, what am I missing? A figure skater during her finale can increase her rotation rate from an initial rate of 1.09 revolutions per 2.02 seconds to a final rate of 2.81 revolutions per second. If her initial...