Recent content by Aneeshrege

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    Parametric Equation of a Line from the intersection of two planes

    okay thanks guys for all your help. i understand this a lot better now
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    Parametric Equation of a Line from the intersection of two planes

    so i just needed to restrict that plane to a set of values that lie in both planes. so I am just wondering what exactly did i do by setting the two planes equal to each other? i notice i get the same result if i subtract equation 1 from equation 2, so did i just subtract the two planes by...
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    How hard of an assignment does this look like for Vector Calculus?

    compared to the vector calculus class taken by you. maybe I am just in the dark because i have a teacher that teaches lightning fast
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    Unsolvable Force Components Problem

    no. its \frac{1000}{\sqrt{3}+1}
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    Parametric Equation of a Line from the intersection of two planes

    Ah i do notice that, but x+2y+3z=4x+5y+6z-5 if i plug them into that those points solve the equation, which is the x,y,z such that those two planes are equal, or is that me failing at winging a problem?
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    Unsolvable Force Components Problem

    (root 3 +1)F_2/2=500 1000/(root 3+1)=f_2
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    How hard of an assignment does this look like for Vector Calculus?

    My course is supposed to go from basic vector algebra to extrema, curl and divergence, (stopping before multiple integration) I don't need any help on this assignment I am just wondering how hard it looks compared to everything else.
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    Parametric Equation of a Line from the intersection of two planes

    Homework Statement Find the parametric equation for a line of intersection of these two planes x+2y+3z=0 4x+5y+6z=5 Homework Equations Normal to plane 1= <1,2,3> Normal to plane 2= <4,5,6> The Attempt at a Solution I know the way to do this problem is to take cross product of...