Recent content by AndyUrquijo

  1. A

    Is Faster than Light Time Travel Possible?

    Yeah, my bad. I didn't mean to say that was correct. I just think this was probably the (naive) reasoning that went on to make such claim. You are right of course. And you get an undefined result when you use v=c. Which is irrelevant since you can't get to that speed to begin with (if you have...
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    Is Faster than Light Time Travel Possible?

    Well, as you tend to the limit of traveling at the speed of light time dilations increases. That is, time appears to 'slow down' (on the outside of your spaceship). If you extrapolate this tendency just for the fun of it you would say that time stays 'still' at the speed of light, and taking...
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    Is Consciousness involved in wave function collapse?

    The collapse of states or wave functions is traditionally related to 'observations'. However there are several common natural systems where states collapse by themselves. Human consiousness or awareness is not relevant at all. You could just make a measuring device that didn't show the results...
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    Hi all :smile:I just wanted to ask why there are no rules on

    I also think necroposting isn't that much of a deal... Many replies to old threads contain useful stuff for future readers. Blocking old threads would only block the flow of information. I am aware that much of that information is really useless. But its almost the same useful/useless ratio you...
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    Addition of Angular Momentum - Measurement Probability

    Sorry, I didn't want to argue on something I'm not sure about. I simply don't understand your use of pair exchange symmetry for external angular momentum... it may be simple lack of knowledge of mine tough... Orthogonal combination?? Note that the ket you obtain is not properly normalized (1/6 +...
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    Motion with constatnt acceleration problem

    Glad to help. This forum is \LaTeX-compatible. Check the last button with a sigma letter for some help. Actually, I recommend learning Latex altogether.
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    Addition of Angular Momentum - Measurement Probability

    I concur with ideasrule. The system state |0~0\rangle of two particles with momentum 1 simply "is" the linear conbination \sqrt{\frac{1}{3}}\left(|1~1\rangle |1~-1\rangle+|1~-1\rangle |1~1\rangle\right + |1~0\rangle |1~0\rangle) In this case you have a 1/3 chance of finding a...
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    Motion with constatnt acceleration problem

    Hi. You get the right answer following your problem statement. So wheter the rocket motor runs out of fuel or whatever the case. Saying it runs the last half of the track at constant speed is probably right. You have to put the words into equations like this: (1) "Starting from rest...
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    Train whistles; moving/stationary sound and velocity

    I may be a little late, but I think I got the error. The beat frequency is: f_b = (f1 - f2) / 2 You forgot to divide by 2. Then you get a sommewhat higher velocity.
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    How to edit fields in explorer

    Yes. Its visible/editable in several other (windows) types as well... but not pdf. My guess is that they are just sore about microsoft word losing popularity. So they create compatibility issues with non-windows formats (they did it even to their own older formats).
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    How to edit fields in explorer

    I have. It seems pdf files don't have any editable properties. Which is stupid... way to go windows!
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    How to edit fields in explorer

    I want to edit the author field. This was possible! Actually in win7 you can still do this easily with multimedia files. In the properties dialog there is an aditional set of editable properties such as interpeter, genre etc. Well any editable property would be fine actually. I wouldn't...
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    Groups & Studies about Fusion via Colliding Beams

    I mean putting some type of focusing device on the collition site to pull the scattered particles back to the beam. It could be better to recover just the ones that have small deflection angles. This should be cheaper (energywise) than the cost of accelerating a new particle from the beginning...
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    How to edit fields in explorer

    Hi everyone, I own a pc with Windows 7 and I need help to organize my files, specially the folders with articles and books. What I want to do is to edit the ‘author’ field. This way I can search books by this parameter if they have common names such as "Quantum Mechanics Vol I" I could do...
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    Analyzing a Particle in a Box with 2D Space

    Correct. ...what is your question?