Recent content by AndyFin

  1. A

    Is space an entity, a relationship or a concetual framework?

    Does this mean space time moves? Or just the energy within spacetime is dynamic, or both, or neither. The way I understand is that there are three basic types of movement. Please correct all errors 1) The movement of a geodesic, As "gravitational acceleration" is a movement, but a falling...
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    Is space an entity, a relationship or a concetual framework?

    Let me try again The atom to the right is at a distance of 3.3 light years and moves with the Hubble flow of 7cm/s (no force appplied) The atom to the left is 3.3 light years away and moves at 7cm/s because a force was applied to it. Space is not expanding on the left side due to the...
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    Is space an entity, a relationship or a concetual framework?

    The Hubble constant is about 70 km / s per parsec and a parsec is about 3.3 million light years. so at 3.3 light years space expands at about 7 cm/s right? So to the right of my lab I have an atom initially at relative zero velocity to me at a distance of 3.3 light years, and due to space...
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    Is space an entity, a relationship or a concetual framework?

    And now for a bit of mischief on my side. Gedanken experiment because it obviously can't actually be done so no need to comment that it is not possible. Imagine you could attach a long rope to a faraway galaxy with recession velocity. The other end is in your lab on earth. Will the end of...
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    Is space an entity, a relationship or a concetual framework?

    The above discussion is EXACTLY my point. A recession velocity is not the same as Newtonian velocity. What the general non scientific public who speak english and do not understand the maths understand when physicists talk about a recession velocity. is something receding (moving) with...
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    Is space an entity, a relationship or a concetual framework?

    Perhaps terminology is the wrong word. Perhaps the word should be concept Would you say the use of velocity of a body as used in special relativity and the use of velocity of a body when used in reference to a galaxy beyond the cosmic event horizon are the same animals? Is velocity always the...
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    Is space an entity, a relationship or a concetual framework?

    Exactly what I expected. But here is the thing. I think that at the minimum there is the need for a new vocabulary or nomenclature. If physicists use words like expanding, contracting etc. it leads the "public" to think of "movement" or "velocity" of space. Here are some suggestions: You can...
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    Is space an entity, a relationship or a concetual framework?

    Hi, the first paragraph in the Wikipedia entry to space contains a sentence saying there is disagreement between PHILOSOPHERS whether space is an entity, a relationship or a conceptual Framework. I am interested in what PHYSICISTS think about this. My personal view is that it is an entity as...
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    Does mass slow the expansion of space?

    Ok super, I think I am starting to understand a bit better
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    Does mass slow the expansion of space?

    Hi Bandersnatch, thanks for the answer. I really appreciate it. However I am really struggling to understand this space doesn't move thing. Are you saying that my space doesn't move , or that in general a volume of space that is some (large) distance away from doesn't move relative to me . ie...
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    Does mass slow the expansion of space?

    I read that the mass of the universe slows the expansion of the universe. I also heard that if the mass of the universe was above a critical value the universe would contract. I believe this is called the big crunch scenario. And that it is currently not considered a probable scenario. Is this...