Recent content by andrew300591

  1. A

    Propagating a Gaussian-Profile EM Wave in a Medium

    Homework Statement Hi everyone, As part of my final year project I am modelling the propagation of an electromagnetic wave through a medium of refractive index, n. I begin at the boundary between vacuum and the medium, x = 0 and propagate forward to some distance x. I have initially...
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    Subliminal Learning While You Sleep & Other Inventive Learning Methods

    Hi guys, thanks very much for all of the advice so far. I understand the obvious no drugs comments - a no-brainer. It depends on where each person draws their line; I mean technically caffeine is a drug. When I say things like chemical enhancement I don't mean I'm going to sell my organs...
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    Subliminal Learning While You Sleep & Other Inventive Learning Methods

    Hi, I'm Andrew, a 2nd year Physics undergrad studying for my end of year exams. Currently I'm looking into new, perhaps unconventional ways of learning. I have used conventional techniques to date, just reading, writing and doing problems to learn, and I have done quite well in all of my exams...