Recent content by andresfirman

  1. andresfirman

    How to calculate the propagation error for a tricky Eq

    Hi!; t1 = 27.6 C t2 = 44.9 C g1 = 993 g2 = 1000 i1 = 7.5 i2 = 7.6 so, alpha is a very low number alpha = 0.0003766
  2. andresfirman

    How to calculate the propagation error for a tricky Eq

    Hi, I`m using d(alpha)/d(i1)*Δi1 + d(alpha)/d(i2)*Δi2 + d(alpha)/d(g1)*Δg1 + d(alpha)/d(g2)*Δg2 + d(alpha)/d(t1)*Δt1 + d(alpha)/d(t2)*Δt2 Δi1 = 0.3 % Δi2 = 0.3 % Δg1 = 3.2 % Δg2 = 3.2 % Δt1 = 0.2 C Δt2 = 0.2 C Its values aprox are; t1 and t2 is near 26 C g1 and g2 is near 950 and i1 and i1...
  3. andresfirman

    How to calculate the propagation error for a tricky Eq

    Hello Please help me, my function is; alpha = [ i1.g2 / (i2.g1) - 1 ] / ( t1-t2 ) I will have to measure i1, i2, g1, g2, t1 and t2 them I made classical error porpagation, but I don't know if this is ok. How is the proper way to calculate the propagation error for alpha?