Recent content by andreia3aral

  1. andreia3aral

    Penetration Theory proposed by Higbie (1935)

    But pressure can play a role along the height of the column and, consequently, the concentration of oxygen dissolved on the water on the top of the column is slightly lower than on the bottom of the column, right? If this is considered, is mass transfer taking place? I need to understand better...
  2. andreia3aral

    Penetration Theory proposed by Higbie (1935)

    A bubble column was filled with water. Air was bubbled in the bottom of the column. Dissolved oxygen concentration was measured over time. After a period of time, the water was saturated with oxygen. So, in this situation, there is no net diffusion of the oxygen between the bubble and water...
  3. andreia3aral

    Penetration Theory proposed by Higbie (1935)

    Thank you for helping me. However, I do not understand your point of view. When water is saturated with oxygen, it means that the partial pressure of oxygen in the bubble is in equilibrium with the concentration of oxygen in the water. Thus, in this situation, there is no net diffusion of the...
  4. andreia3aral

    Penetration Theory proposed by Higbie (1935)

    Thank you very much for your replies. I understand that there is still mass transfer happening due to hydrostatic pressure drop. However, how does the penetration theory deal with "negative" penetration? Which more accurate estimation of KL can be use?
  5. andreia3aral

    Penetration Theory proposed by Higbie (1935)

    Hello, I have some questions related to the Penetration Theory proposed by Higbie (1935). I carried out laboratory experiments in a bubble column of 1.3 m filled with water and saturated with oxygen. Air bubbles were rising and the liquid was stagnant (its motion was just due to the rise of...
  6. andreia3aral

    What are the key factors affecting oxygen transfer in wastewater treatment?

    Hello, I am a PhD student working on a detailed understanding of oxygen transfer in wastewater treatment.