Recent content by Andrea M.

  1. Andrea M.

    I Charge conjugation of Majorana pairs

    I was reading this article ( about WIMP pair annihilation. At page six the author says that under charge conjugation a state of Majorana particles with orbital angular momentum ##L## and spin angular momentum ##S## take a phase ##(-1)^{L+S}##. I understand this...
  2. Andrea M.

    Calculate Baryons Annihilation Cross Sections

    Sorry for the gap, busy day. No, I don't know any solution (except for lattice QCD) for these kind of problems. The only thing that is commonly assumed in the literature is that these kind of strong process should be of order ##\langle\sigma v\rangle\sim g_s/4\pi m_p##.
  3. Andrea M.

    Yang-Mills theory, confinement and chiral symmetry breaking

    I was thinking about hadrons in general Yang-Mills theory and I have some doubts that I'd like to discuss with you. Suppose that we have a Yang-Mills theory that, like QCD, tend to bind quarks into color singlet states. So far nothing strange, even QED tend to bind electromagnetic charges to...
  4. Andrea M.

    Calculate Baryons Annihilation Cross Sections

    I was wondering if there is a way of calculate the annihilation cross section for two baryons, say ##p\bar p\to\pi\pi## or ##p\bar p\to\gamma\gamma##. The problem here is that we cannot use the usual chiral theory because the energy transfer is of the same order of the cutoff ##\Lambda\sim 1...
  5. Andrea M.

    Pseudoscalar current of Majorana fields

    Ok, i found the (silly) error: $$ \bar\Phi\gamma^5\Phi=\Phi^\dagger\gamma^0\gamma^5\Phi $$ so under hermitian conjugation this becomes $$ \Phi^\dagger\gamma^5\gamma^0\Phi=-\Phi^\dagger\gamma^0\gamma^5\Phi=-\bar\Phi\gamma^5\Phi $$ that imply $$ \bar\Phi\gamma^5\Phi+h.c.=0 $$ the same result that...
  6. Andrea M.

    Pseudoscalar current of Majorana fields

    Writing down the spinor indices the product ##\phi\phi## becomes $$ \phi\phi=\phi^\alpha\phi_\alpha=\phi^\alpha\epsilon_{\alpha\beta}\phi^\beta $$ the component ##\phi^\alpha## are Grassmann numbers but the product ##\phi\phi## should commute, am I wrong? For the difference between...
  7. Andrea M.

    Pseudoscalar current of Majorana fields

    Consider a Majorana spinor $$ \Phi=\left(\begin{array}{c}\phi\\\phi^\dagger\end{array}\right) $$ and an pseudoscalar current ##\bar\Phi\gamma^5\Phi##. This term is invariant under hermitian conjugation: $$ \bar\Phi\gamma^5\Phi\to\bar\Phi\gamma^5\Phi $$ but if I exploit the two component...
  8. Andrea M.

    Quark axial-vector current in nucleion

    Thank you, I'll check it out!
  9. Andrea M.

    Quark axial-vector current in nucleion

    In almost all direct detection articles (see for example Jungman, G., Kamionkowski, M. & Griest, K., 1996. Supersymmetric dark matter) I found the following parametrization for the matrix element of the quark axial-vector coupling: $$ \langle n|\bar...
  10. Andrea M.

    Drawing Feynman diagrams with feynarts

    I found the solution. I need to compile following the latex -> dvips -> ps2pdf sequence. This can be made in TexShop putting the command %!TEX TS-program = latex in the first line of the tex file.
  11. Andrea M.

    Drawing Feynman diagrams with feynarts

    I'm trying to draw Feynman diagrams with the feynarts.sty package for LaTex. The problem is that if I write the following code \begin{feynartspicture}(150,150)(1,1) \FADiagram{} \FAProp(0.,10.)(6.,10.)(0.,){/Straight}{0} \FALabel(3.,9.18)[t]{$1$}...
  12. Andrea M.

    The difference between spatial and intrinsic parity

    In general the parity of a particle is the product of intrinsic and extrinsic (or spatial as you say) parity. Extrinsic parity is given by ##(-1)^l## where ##l## is the orbital angular momentum of the state. Intrinsic parity is peculiar of each particle and it simply says as the state of the...
  13. Andrea M.

    Standard Model decompositions of larger group representations?

    The multiplets in ##(18.15)## aren't a subgroups of ##SU(3)\times SU(2)\times U(1)##?
  14. Andrea M.

    How do baryons transform under chiral transformations?

    Yes I've already read this but I still have some doubts, I will give him another chance.
  15. Andrea M.

    Standard Model decompositions of larger group representations?

    Try chapter 18 of "Lie algebras in particle physics" by Georgi.