Recent content by Andersen

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    Antibubbles in Beer from Belgium

    i suspect that all beers work this way - but its fun to pick on belgium. Joe
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    Antibubbles in Beer from Belgium

    Physicists from Belgium have published a theory that explains the formation and movement of antibubbles. : where bubbles are thin surface of fluid in air surrounding a pocket of air, an antibubble is a thin surface of air in fluid...
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    Gravitational Double Slit Experiment: What Does Modern Physics Say?

    my recollection of the details is fuzzy - but: at low enough gravity you can neglect nonlinearities, and then vibrations in space time obey equations analogous to light - which are then amenable to quantization as per the standard methods of QM -> gravitons. It is possible that a...
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    Gravitational Double Slit Experiment: What Does Modern Physics Say?

    in a low gravity limit it is possible to construct a quantum field theory of gravitons - whether this is valid or not remains to be tested - so if a single graviton was diffracted through some version of the double slit experiment, it would act "exactly like a photon" in a similar experiment...
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    Light, black holes and gravity

    I'm not sure i understand your question, but photons/light do/does have momentum. p=E/c (from the definition of the energy-momentum tensor in SR) Joe
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    Research project ideas on particle physics

    I have a list of particle physics links here: some of it is "newsy" and might not be what you're after, but there are some general reference links as well. Joe
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    Honda's The Cog - A Physicsy Ad

    worse - filmmakers... probably with arts degrees ;) Joe
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    Honda's The Cog - A Physicsy Ad

    606 apparently - like integral said, that is one fact that throws the whole point of the campaign out the window. But i won't hold it against them.
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    Honda's The Cog - A Physicsy Ad

    the wheels are weighted so that given a small nudge they roll up the ramp in order to lower their centre of mass. Trick physics, not trick photography... Joe
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    Honda's The Cog - A Physicsy Ad

    Honda's "The Cog" Honda has put out a really amazing ad - and it's physicsy! have a look!
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    Can a single photon have a temperature?

    I alway think of it like : zero rest mass, times an infinite \gamma => non zero KE and p Joe
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    Can a single photon have a temperature?

    for example, the "background" microwave radiation that permeates the universe "has a temperature" of ~2.5K. ( see, for example: ) Also, a photon field can be analysed in a Stat Mech way, with the same "thermal" properties (like entropy...
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    Real Gas Laws: Exploring Alternatives to PV=nRT

    in fact, the ideal gas law is usually sufficient too - especially at high temps and low pressures (if you can arrange both) - just allow for extra degrees of freedom in the specific heat if its polyatomic. to add more detail, there are various levels of thermodynamics through to statistical...
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    Physics Speed of Light and car Question

    but, charges moving through water (say) at less than c_water(~c/1.3?) produce cherenkov radiation, a neat blue glow that is used to detect all sorts of things (famously neutrinos, recently). per SR, imagine fast car traveling through medium akin to water. to ourside observer, car is...
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    Is it posible to avoid sonic boom

    there are proposals to use lasers to superheat air in front of the nosecone of craft. Hotter air has a higher speed of sound, so the craft would (locally) break sound barrier at higher speed. also, heat -> lower density, so maybe the sound waves would be weaker, reducing the boom. If you...