Recent content by Ameen1985

  1. Ameen1985

    Isothermal and adiabatic air compression -- different expressions

    As you mentioned, extra electricity from the PV plant will run the compressor to compress air to the receiver to be used offpeak. The heat generated during compression will be saved in the hot water tank to be used during air expansion in the air motor. Cold water from the air expansion will be...
  2. Ameen1985

    Isothermal and adiabatic air compression -- different expressions

    Many thanks @Chestermiller for your replys. As @anorlunda mentioned, I consider the system shown in post #7. My question is simple. When I have 39600000 J (11 kWh) energy used to compress air where the minimum pressure is 630000 pa (6.3 bar) and the maximum pressure 1000000 pa (10 bar) and...
  3. Ameen1985

    Isothermal and adiabatic air compression -- different expressions

    Sorry for my previous reply. In my original post, I wrote that I have 11 kWh to be stored in compressed air and I want to know the required tank volume. The compressed air will be used to run an air motor at 6.3 bar. Therefore, the minimum air pressure inside the tank should be 6.3 bar (Pm or P1...
  4. Ameen1985

    Isothermal and adiabatic air compression -- different expressions

    The first three expressions should be Isothermal compression. However, The first 2 give the same answer and the third equation not. The other two expressions should be used for adiabatic compression but both give me different answers with big difference I don't know why.
  5. Ameen1985

    Isothermal and adiabatic air compression -- different expressions

    Hi all, For an Isothermal compression process of air in a vessel with constant volume, I found the following expressions and and The first two give the same result, meanwhile the third gives another solution and I don't know why. For adiabatic compression I found these two expression which...
  6. Ameen1985

    Design a compressed air energy storage for a PV plant

    Many thanks for your reply but I wish it is that simple. I think for an adiabatic CAES, the pressure outside and inside the vessel, the temperature, a polytropic exponent, and I am not sure is there anything else should be taken into consideration.
  7. Ameen1985

    Design a compressed air energy storage for a PV plant

    I am in the preliminary design stage, so I want to study different options of size vs pressure vs cost. Thermodynamic modelling and charts of different options will be enough now.
  8. Ameen1985

    Design a compressed air energy storage for a PV plant

    I thought for a preliminary design, I may should think of having an air bottle sufficient for the maximum PV output which is about 26 kWh per day. However, by taking into consideration the required load, about 14 kWh will be stored per day.
  9. Ameen1985

    Design a compressed air energy storage for a PV plant

    Many thanks for your reply. It will be something like this
  10. Ameen1985

    Design a compressed air energy storage for a PV plant

    Many thanks for your reply. It’s for a Uni project
  11. Ameen1985

    Design a compressed air energy storage for a PV plant

    Summary:: Design compressed air energy storage for PV plant [Mentor Note -- Thread moved from a technical forum, so no Homework Template is shown] Hi All For a PV project of 5 kW, we will use a CAES. The preliminary design will consist of a compressor - 2 heat exchanger - Air receiver - air...