Recent content by Amathproblem22

  1. Amathproblem22

    MHB Solving 0x10 + 0xfe: What's the Answer?

    Question: With 8-bit unsigned values, 0x10 + 0xfe = Answer: 0x0e, which is decimal 14.What I know; The prefix 0x is used in code to indicate that the number is being written in hex. Base 16. I also am aware that with 8-bit unsigned values it goes from a range of 0 to 255. Need help with: Is...
  2. Amathproblem22

    MHB Question: Binary & Hexadecimal

    This is an easier version of what you were saying I guess halving by two and put a 1 if the number above is odd and a 0 if the number is 0. 0 1 2 4 9 19 39 79 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 Assuming you added A6 wrong? and dropped a 1 off 100111? Or was I wrong lol
  3. Amathproblem22

    MHB Question: Binary & Hexadecimal

    I don't need help with a problem just help with easy ways of tackling the problems. Below are my current methods. (Hopefully, all is correct I was in a rush). Binary to Decimal: 128 64 32 16 8 4 2 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 I already know 128+64+32= 224 so then 16+1=17, meaning 224+17=241...
  4. Amathproblem22

    MHB Electromagnetic Radiation and Health

    Well, the title pretty much sums up my question. I want to know about electromagnetic radiation and the effects on human health in your opinions and knowledge! I have done research into the topic and also gone down the road of things like wifi(modern technology) effects on health and most...
  5. Amathproblem22

    Python & Line Sensor (IR) for Robot Project

    I'm making a robot the will follow a black line and I need some assistance does anyone here have experience with python and line sensors.(IR) If anyone does I can elaborate on my issues more. Thanks
  6. Amathproblem22

    MHB When do the combined heights of two Ferris wheels reach 27.5m?

    \[ \cos \left(θ\right)=0\quad \mathrm{or}\quad \:2\cos ^2\left(θ\right)-1=0 \] \[ \cos \left(θ\right)=0: θ=\frac{\pi }{2}+2\pi n,\:θ=\frac{3\pi }{2}+2\pi n \] \[ 2\cos ^2\left(θ\right)-1=0: θ=\arccos \left(\sqrt{\frac{1}{2}}\right)+2\pi n,\:θ=2\pi -\arccos \left(\sqrt{\frac{1}{2}}\right)+2\pi...
  7. Amathproblem22

    MHB When do the combined heights of two Ferris wheels reach 27.5m?

    So I have figured out two equations model a Ferris wheel ride(two different ferris wheels). F1 = Ferris wheel one F2= Ferris wheel two F1, h=-12\cos\frac{\pi}{10}t+12.5 F2, h=-12\cos\frac{\pi}{30}t+15 Now from these two equations, I want to know when F2+F1= 27.5m i.e I want to find the...
  8. Amathproblem22

    MHB What are the best resources for solving trigonometric equations and identities?

    As per the guidelines, I've come here to ask if anyone knows of any good resources regarding trigonometry. Mainly solving equations and identities.