Recent content by alyflex

  1. A

    Direct Eigenvalue solver, which retains the the order of eigenvectors

    What I'm actually doing: I'm doing imaginary time propagation in density functional theory. So after each iteration I have to othogonalize my orbitals, this is done by subspace othogonalization, in which I create the overlap matrix M_ij, to get the new orbitals I then solve the coresponding...
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    Direct Eigenvalue solver, which retains the the order of eigenvectors

    Hi guys I have a problem that I need some help with, I am looking for a direct eigenvalue solver algorithm. The problem is that all the eigenvalue solvers I can find seems to reorder the final matrix after the size of the eigenvalues. The matrix it shall calculate is very small (5-10)...
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    Fortran Fortran, subroutine with allocatable, intent(out) array

    I'm not allocating it in the main program, but I have tried it anyways, with no succes.
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    Fortran Fortran, subroutine with allocatable, intent(out) array

    Hi, I have a rather large program written in fortran 77/90. In one of the subroutines a lot of local dynamic arrays are declared. In order to make this program able to calculate more stuff, I need to bring these dynamic arrays back into the main program. I have tried to define the...
  5. A

    Linear least square method for singular matrices

    Well I just went through the calculation myself and as far as I can see everything you wrote was spot on, so thank you very much. Btw I had no idea that the linsolve function in MATLAB solved a system of linear equations using least squares, I only thought it could find consistent solutions.
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    Does speed=frequency*wavelength for electrons?

    It would seem that way, but it can be shown that any constant potential can be absorbed by the phase if I remember correctly. Just try to redefine the energy yourself and see if anything changes.
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    Linear least square method for singular matrices

    Thank you very much for the illuminating answer trambolin. I'm going to work it through in the weekend using your method. I'll post a longer and more conclusive reply once I have tried the method. But to all of you, thank you very much for an enlightening discussion on a subject, which...
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    Linear least square method for singular matrices

    This was what I suspected, but thanks for making it clear. Now I just need a method to compute it for non-invertible matrices The more I look at this the more afraid I am, that a numerical solution might be the best way. I was really hoping for a clear and illuminating analytical method. The...
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    Linear least square method for singular matrices

    I have stumbled upon a problem which I have so far been unable to solve. I we consider a general set of linear equations: Ax=b, I know the the system is inconsistent which makes least square method the logical choice. So the mission is to minimize ||Ax-b|| And the usual way I do...