Recent content by ALYAZAN

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    Double integration in Matlab on given data set

    Homework Statement Hello, I have a problem I have a strand (pathway) defined in Matlab as X and Y and s where X and Y are the coordinates and s is an indexing (1, 2, 3, ...), and I can have this X and Y in high resultion, namely very small distance between them I need to achieve this...
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    How to calculate the convergence point for exponential function?

    I am sorry .. I meant in the thread text "Convergence" not "Divergence" I got the point. this function was fitting to some experimental data (Coercive force vs Temperature). now I have another question .. which of the following functions Converges : 1- Root square function x^0.5...
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    How to calculate the convergence point for exponential function?

    Homework Statement I need to calculate the point of divergence for this exponential function : F(x)= 5.282 * exp ( -0.01726 * x ) may you help me in finding the method to solve such problems ? Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution
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    Can an Atom Become a Black Hole?

    Don't worry about the style .. it is pretty much nice how you write and i am thankful for your help, in fact i had searched a lot about it and it seems that your answer is right best regards
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    Can an Atom Become a Black Hole?

    nicely concluded :biggrin: but what about the other questions ?? can you help me answering them ?
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    Can an Atom Become a Black Hole?

    it's ok .. ( sometimes i face the same problem :wink: ), i know that there should be enough energy ( or matter ) in a sphere ( or any volume equal to it ) that has the radius of schwarzschild .. but does this prevent the single atom from forming a black hole ?? and the rest of my questions...
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    Can an Atom Become a Black Hole?

    hey there i think that what you wrote was in french; the language i hope to learn it one day, but sadly i don't speak it uptil now :frown: ! and about the wikipedia, i can't take it as a reference so would you please till me what is the exact relevance of schwarzschild redius to our problem ??
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    Can an Atom Become a Black Hole?

    thank you a lot for your reply in fact, yes this answers my question but i would like to ask further more questions 1- what is the SH radiation :bugeye: ?? 2- regarding to what have been said .. can we talk about a lower limit for the black hole's size ? 3- what about the upper limit...
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    Can an Atom Become a Black Hole?

    good morning everybody i had a question that i found no answer for it on the internet can one atom become a black hole ?? if no, what is the condition that prevent it ?? hope you help me answering this question best regards
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    Metropolis-Monte Carlo Algorithm

    oh ... i didn't see that, maybe the next time i must spend more time on seeking .. anyway ,, thank you for your help bu the way .. maybe it's better to separate the "comp." physics in a special forum .. i think it's very wide ranged branch of physics nowadays
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    Metropolis-Monte Carlo Algorithm

    peace upon you every body i spent few minutes searching where to post my topic .. because it's talking about something in computational physics and i found no forum for computational physics or things like that. so if you don't mind opening new forum for computational physics and i can offer...
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    News Is the Palestinian Right of Return a Path to Peace or Conflict?

    peace upon u i found this .. i guess it's a good material to discuss ! and when i'll be back from Egypt i'll post a good report about general Egyption people common opinion about right of return best wishes
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    Generating Energy from Black Holes: Reachable or Not?

    in the article (the one i read) there is a little sidebar about science fiction energies .. one of them was colliding matter and anti matter .. and the other was to put a mass near a black hole so that the black hole attractes it .. and as energy is conserved then the potetial energy of the mas...
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    Generating Energy from Black Holes: Reachable or Not?

    mm .. i think u r right .. thanks for ur advice lol :smile: no wonder .. profesional cosmologist
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    Generating Energy from Black Holes: Reachable or Not?

    the article i read is here ... but not available freely ... i read it in arabic from the paper magazine sorry for mistaking