Recent content by AlkamlBan

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    Can an Anti-Matter Blade Cut Through Anything?

    Yes there are a lot of cool weapons out there. Thing is since this can be explained by physics I wanted to see if it would work or not by asking people who knew about such stuff, thus why I came to PF. Of course I do get some leeway but since I might have a chance of making it more Science and...
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    Can an Anti-Matter Blade Cut Through Anything?

    Currently: No. But then again I don't even have a story/universe set up. I might make it happen in the future though if I can get the rest working in a solid way but since this was the first thing that came to mind I figured I would get this over with before I forget about it. Edit #1: Yes, I...
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    Can an Anti-Matter Blade Cut Through Anything?

    No and I have never seen something of the sort (then again I am not the biggest fan of Sci-Fi). I had this idea for a video-game.
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    Can an Anti-Matter Blade Cut Through Anything?

    Fair enough. But wouldn't the air also interact with them? Just to mention something I forgot: I consider the generator to produce an amount of antimatter which upon being shot forward from the handle (maybe with something like a miniature magnetic field or whatever) would cause the amount of...
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    Can an Anti-Matter Blade Cut Through Anything?

    I recently got this weird idea of a blade which would work not with matter but with anti-matter. The idea is that an anti-particle (anti-proton, anti-neutron, anti-electron) generator would create a "spray" of antimatter towards a specific direction. Said antimatter would interact and "puff out...
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    B Material for black hole travel

    So I have been watching COSMOS of late and in the 4th (I think) episode it states the possibility that other universes exist inside of black holes. I am aware of the immense strength of a black hole's gravitational pull so my question is this: Is there a material strong enough to resist it and...
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    Make Graphene Suit: Stacking Layers for Flexibility & Strength

    :DD I know but it could be put into great use :biggrin:. Again thanks a lot mate!
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    Make Graphene Suit: Stacking Layers for Flexibility & Strength

    I am sorry to bother again just one quick question: Applying all of the above along with custom made tech and carbon nanotubes for the harder parts would I be able to create this (not going to just asking :biggrin: (yea right!)):
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    Make Graphene Suit: Stacking Layers for Flexibility & Strength

    Thank you very much, your knowledge is absoutely fascinating!
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    Make Graphene Suit: Stacking Layers for Flexibility & Strength

    Ok so just 1 thing left to tackle: Can you put a layer outside of the suit or will anything happen to it if it is exposed (I ask since placing something else outside with make it take damage when, say a bullet hits it but should the Graphene layer be hit first the rest won't take that much...
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    Make Graphene Suit: Stacking Layers for Flexibility & Strength

    Yes, but what if you had multiple layers with something in between (the suit only needs the elasticity and strength) would that be viable? (and thin like a latex-suit or something of the sort?)
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    Make Graphene Suit: Stacking Layers for Flexibility & Strength

    So I have heard about graphene and its properties recentlty and more specifically its ability to resist tearing. With this in mind (and a video from the YouTube channel "Film Theory") I believed it was possible to stack layers of graphene so that they can resist things like bullets. But I...
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    VASIMR Plasma Thruster: Questions Answered

    Ok got that, but one last thing I want to know is if the plasma coming out the back is hot enough to burn something at a distance or is it safe (aka hot but only at a small distance from the thruster?
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    VASIMR Plasma Thruster: Questions Answered

    Interesting, I was considering its capabilities for flight on Earth where it could have an air intake but I am not so sure if the heat for the plasma coming out the back would burn things or not.
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    VASIMR Plasma Thruster: Questions Answered

    First off, I want to apologize if this thread is in the wrong place but I am new this. Anyway, so I recently checked on the VASIMR plasma engine since I was interested in it. But one thing I didn't understand about it is if it ejects the neutral gas it uses. What I mean is that it obviously...