Recent content by alionalizoti

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    Using GOTO and For Loops in Quick Basic 64-Bit for Windows

    cool loop of course, i agree for i = 0 to 1 i = 0 { loop program body - not standard - and specific - i.e. } locate 1, 1 print 'cool loop - never ending' x$ = inkey$ if x$ = chr$(27) then i = 1 'esc key' next looks better!
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    Using GOTO and For Loops in Quick Basic 64-Bit for Windows

    of course, i agree for i = 0 to 1 i = 0 { loop program body - not standard - and specific } x$ = inkey$ if x$ = chr$(27) 'esc key' next looks better!
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    How do you measure numerically central charge of the system ?

    Measuring the charge Of course, I mean measuring the electrostatic charge, which sure be at the center of any net field or field net, whatever! ( any means theoretical or experimental )
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    Using GOTO and For Loops in Quick Basic 64-Bit for Windows

    Ok, this do ... loop may work, but not with every program body i.e., 1) randomizing: and you know why, it takes too long for the randomizing command to execute and meanwhile do ... loop is simply lost or vanished due to lack of timing. 2) files or large files, reading or writing: it takes...
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    Using GOTO and For Loops in Quick Basic 64-Bit for Windows

    I am working with Quick Basic, 64 Bit for Windows, which is quite good indeed, but i met again the same usual difficulties to use [do ... loop] for efficient loops. So I decided to better use [goto], as anyone else! But I also found very useful the classical for loop. Here are some useful...
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    Special Repelling Magnet Shoes

    Magnetic shoes A simple schema would help people to better understand with your idea, although it is clear. It won't be that easy to produce something like this, and don't forget specific switches onon/offoff !
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    Special Repelling Magnet Shoes

    Magnetic and gravitational This may also work for artificial gravity, whenever needed!
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    How do you measure numerically central charge of the system ?

    Measuring electrostatic charge Well, theoretical suggestions are as many; but lab techniques suggest for scaled electroscopes to do as such. There also are technical issues Measuring the q charge - contacting method 1) Sure one has to contact the "point" charge with the top head of the...
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    YOU: Fix the US Energy Crisis

    Energy Crisis and World Hungry For Power It is not only USA facing the energy crisis, but the whole world. Actually, it looks like oil won't be enough for world technology. So what are we going to do, get back to 1) massive hand work, kind of communist system working for capitalism 2)...
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    Relative Velocity Experiment - A Matter of Discussion

    A simple experiment can be build to demonstrate a possible contradiction between thinking theory and reality. Use two hand electrical light torches set upon a table and back to back. Switch them on simultaneously, and calculate the relative velocity of their opposite leaving flashes...
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    Math Diversities: 4 Solutions to 10X=4X

    I'm interested to find out how many people would agree on several quick solutions: 10X = 4X 1) X = 0 2) 10 = 4 (!?) 3) 10 = 4 (differentiating !?) 4) or integrating ... (1?)
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    Calculus Confusion: limit of sin(x)/x

    lim[(sinx)/x] = ? x→0 puzzle x/x = ? 1) 0/0 = 1 2) 0/0 = 0 3) 0/0 = not determined