Recent content by alias25

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    I'm turning stupid because I have a boyfriend?

    Hmm, I think it is the other way around, once one has reached an adult frame of mind one desires to settle into a career/job. I believe I have reached that point and that is why I no longer wish to be in this transition phase of being a university student. I have thought of that -boyfriends...
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    I'm turning stupid because I have a boyfriend?

    You are right, things are bound to be different as I am approching a turning point in life. I've decided to go into high school teaching and my boyfriend is supportive of my studies and career choice :) thanks. My parents on the other hand are clearly disappointed in me for not going for a...
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    I'm turning stupid because I have a boyfriend?

    Yeah, I should just go with it. It's strange how I can distinguish how different I was then to how I am now. Thank you.
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    I'm turning stupid because I have a boyfriend?

    Hi, I havn't been on these forums for years now probably, I googled something and this site came up. I see some people on here I remember. The title really states my problem, I was wondering if anyone else feels this way? It's strange, I used to be very focused on work, competitive...
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    Apologies for Inconvenience: We'll be Back Soon

    Hello sorry don't ignore this post? so latent heat of evapouration of sodium chloride is needed relavant equations: Q = mL Attempt: So I think i have the energy to break one bond, of na -cl, by considering couloumbs force and having the bond length 0.282nm so to get latent heat, would...
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    Apologies for Inconvenience: We'll be Back Soon

    sorry ignore this
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    Admissions Right I'm thinking of applying for a phD in some area of physics

    :)thanks for that, yea your right i shouldn't limit myself.
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    Admissions Right I'm thinking of applying for a phD in some area of physics

    Right I'm thinking of applying for a phD in some area of physics once I finished my 4 year Msc physics course, I'm going into my second year once this summer is over. Do you think I should be worrying about what topic area of physics I want to do a phD in already? (and I'm thinking of...
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    Welcome Back Belle! Physics Student Results Next Week

    Helloooooooooooooo no one probs remembers me :frown: but i used to post now and then on this forum, and then i disappeared for a very long time now ._. but hopefully I'll be posting a bit more and will definity be reading some (im a second year physics student now :smile: heh) i'll be...
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    Navigating the Complicated Feelings of Moving On

    nooo, he hasn't sent me any email, he's asking me, now I've finished 6th form and don't see him (only the other day went to get certificates he mentioned this) to: to pop in and say hi or send him email.
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    Navigating the Complicated Feelings of Moving On

    no, well i havn't told him, that would just be awkward, and i would definatly avoid him then.
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    My First Time Stuck in a Parking Lot: It Was Fun!

    wow is it snowing over there? wish it would snow here, its just cold and foggy.
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    Navigating the Complicated Feelings of Moving On

    I kinda fell for my 6th form physics teacher, and he's asked me to pop in sometimes and say hi or send a lot of email, when i saw him the other day. I want to move on, so I've not popped into sat hi or anything, because my head messes up if i see him (he's not even that gd looking), but i feel...
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    I Got Award from Bangladeshi High Commissionar

    I got nominated for an award from bangladeshi high comissionar for good grades well I GOT IT! :) i have to go to london on 13th jan lol. and i'll have more details on it, tonight when i go to collect my A level certificates, im really happy, and my mums proud.
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    Solve ODE using method of integrating factors.

    Homework Statement solve the following equation using method of intergrating factors: Homework Equations dy/dx = y + cosx - sinx The Attempt at a Solution i think i have to get it in the form dy/dx + r(x)y = f(x) but i can't see how, if i multiply or divide by a factor i...