Recent content by algar32

  1. A

    Heat of a bic lighter? A medium to lower it's heat?

    Do you really think putting a lighter under some type of medium will be dangerous? I imagine bics are fairly safe devices nowadays, but I will definitely be cautious if I proceed. Thanks. Does anyone know of what type of material would be best for what I am attempting to do?
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    Heat of a bic lighter? A medium to lower it's heat?

    1.I know this is a weird question, but does anyone know what the temperature of a bic lighter is after around 5 seconds? If left on for a minute? In my research I have come across so many different answers and was hoping to get a more concrete answer. Once I have the needed testing apparatus I...
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    Graphene Super capacitor as battery?

    I will try to post the amount of energy needed when I have a better idea of what that will actually be. Two weeks I will have the opportunity to head back up to a lab where I have my heating element and some testing equipment to see how much power I will draw at certain temperatures and find out...
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    Graphene Super capacitor as battery?

    Fair enough criticism and good advice^^^. I was honestly hoping there would be some type of schematic or instructions for the graphene caps, but I suppose that is unlikely. I guess before I delved into the design I wanted to make sure it was even viable. I haven't dealt with joules since I...
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    Graphene Super capacitor as battery?

    How did you get your estimate for 100 joules of energy? Sorry, I realize I should probably re-educate myself on this topic, but I haven't used Joules in quite some time and don't tend to use them in my line of work. What spec sheets should I be looking through? Spec sheets for individual super...
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    Graphene Super capacitor as battery?

    Agreed. I just don't know that I can give a specific number in joules. If I had to guess (without any basis of measurement), I would say it will consume 10-12 watts of power for hopefully around 5 to 10 seconds (at least at first, It would be nice for it to heat longer, but for proof of concept...
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    Graphene Super capacitor as battery?

    Not sure how much power I need yet. I need to find the resistance of my heating element and run some current across it to see if I can get to the desired temps. Unfortunately, I will not have access to a quality lab bench supply until about 2.5 weeks from now. Once I have collected my data I...
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    Graphene Super capacitor as battery?

    Thanks. So you think that this could be plausible to power a small electric heater? What do you think the best way for me to approach this would be? Do I have to wait for the industry to put out a graphene super capacitor "battery", or is it possible for me to make one myself that would...
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    Graphene Super capacitor as battery?

    Thanks. I came across the XG sciences article before. The other article was quite interesting as well. Hopefully they release a commercial product sometime within the next few years.
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    Can I trap a gas in a beer bottle with an ordinary bottle capcap?

    Thanks for the advice. I will keep you guys posted. This should be interesting :)
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    Graphene Super capacitor as battery?

    I was going to use it as a battery for a small electric heater (not sure how much of a problem the varying voltage would be). Thanks.
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    Can I trap a gas in a beer bottle with an ordinary bottle capcap?

    I am not sure I fully understand your concern with the electrode... I was planning to cut away some of the rubber in the middle of the cap if I had to. Your second concern about the bottle darkness shouldn't be a problem because I will be using a corona bottle with clear glass (I may be...
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    Can I trap a gas in a beer bottle with an ordinary bottle capcap?

    I would be using a standard beer bottle cap (probably try to recycle a corona cap or just use a new one). I think I hear neon can be used as one of the primary gases in plasma balls. Suppose it was just neon, do you think I would be able to easily accomplish my goals? Thanks.
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    Can I trap a gas in a beer bottle with an ordinary bottle capcap?

    Can I trap a gas in a beer bottle with an ordinary bottle capcap?? I would like to trap neon gas in a beer bottle with a bottle capper. My goal is to build a plasma ball (tesla ball) in a beer bottle so I can have corona in my corona :P. I plan on building the tesla coil into the bottom of...
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    Graphene Super capacitor as battery?

    I was hoping to benefit from the smaller size of some super capacitors. For any applications I had in mind I was hoping to use it as a fast charging battery that could fit within a volume of about 2 AA batteries or less. Also, I don't think just capacitors in parallel would have enough energy...