Recent content by Alexandre

  1. Alexandre

    Does a Magnetic Field Emerge from a Moving Charge with Constant Angular Speed?

    I think you need to solve for potential field and coordinate of the particle. But I'm not sure how, check this out
  2. Alexandre

    Deriving the Hamiltonian of a system

    It says You cannot access this album
  3. Alexandre

    Does a Magnetic Field Emerge from a Moving Charge with Constant Angular Speed?

    First of all, if there is no magnetic field to begin with why would a charge spin in circles? Spinning in circles implies there is some kind of force, because there is a centripetal acceleration, without centripetal acceleration there is no circular motion.
  4. Alexandre

    Funny thing I've found in David Griffiths QM textbook
  5. Alexandre

    How to prove Momentum = Gradient of Action?

    Oh, thanks, now I understand. I didn't realize that velocity doesn't depend on time and so Lagrangian goes out of the integral here S = \frac{m}{2} ( \frac{x - x_{0}}{t - t_{0}} )^{2} \int^{t}_{t_{0}} d t
  6. Alexandre

    Funny thing I've found in David Griffiths QM textbook

    On the idealized curve yes, on the actual data no. Besides it's a joke.
  7. Alexandre

    Funny thing I've found in David Griffiths QM textbook

    I really like the book, its the first physics textbook that I liked actually. But I've found a minor error. On page 8 (chapter 1 The Wave Function) it says that if you sum deviations from average of a random variable you'd get zero because " Δj is as often negative as positive", here's the...
  8. Alexandre

    How to prove Momentum = Gradient of Action?

    Suppose I have no potential, just the kinetic energy of a free particle wandering around (actually moving at a straight line with a constant velocity), the Lagrangian will be equal to kinetic energy only. I've found out a hint why my derivation might be wrong, there's a thing called abbreviated...
  9. Alexandre

    How to prove Momentum = Gradient of Action?

    How can show that momentum is the gradient of the action for the free particle? I tried it like this for one dimensional case: s=\int Ldt ds=Ldt ds=\frac{mv^2}{2}dt\: Velocity is constant right? So I should be able to to this: \frac{ds}{dx}=\frac{mv^2}{2}\frac{dt}{dx} I'm not sure about...
  10. Alexandre

    How Can a Positive Increasing Function Minimize a Cosine-Squared Integral?

    If D is not constant you should have took care of it when writing Euler-Lagrange equation by applying derivative to it too.
  11. Alexandre

    How Can a Positive Increasing Function Minimize a Cosine-Squared Integral?

    Ups, sorry, I did. Did you figure out how to do the numerical approximation?
  12. Alexandre

    Does every curve have a function?

    Nope you can't. Sorry for that, math is not omnipotent.
  13. Alexandre

    Is this correct second order approximation?

    Yes it's Heun's method, a.k.a. two stage Runge–Kutta method. In my case F is time independent. I don't seem to understand what F1 and F2 are in your algorithm.
  14. Alexandre

    How Can a Positive Increasing Function Minimize a Cosine-Squared Integral?

    Square of derivative is not same as second derivative and parentheses are missing: \int_0^L ( A \left( \frac{ d \phi (x) } {dx} \right) ^2 + (B +C cos( \phi (x)) ^2 \mbox ) {d}x Applying Euler-Lagrange equation which has a form: \frac{d}{dx}\frac{\partial L}{\partial \frac{d\phi...