Recent content by Alan Arqueza

  1. Alan Arqueza

    I Are Pagers More Reliable Compared to Phones?

    If true, can you explain how a pager is more reliable than a cellphone when a signal is deterministic of the complexity of the environment? (when a signal is received in a complex environment - how materials block radio signals).
  2. Alan Arqueza

    Why Was Yesterday's Sunlight Brighter Than This Morning?

    I will use the Desktop Spectrometry Kit 3.0 from Public Lab. This spectrometry kit may not be sensitive enough.
  3. Alan Arqueza

    Why Was Yesterday's Sunlight Brighter Than This Morning?

    The color temperature changed around 11:00 am - 11:50 am Pacific Daylight Time. I noticed the color temperature or hue changed around 11:50am PDT. I should have written the time.
  4. Alan Arqueza

    Why Was Yesterday's Sunlight Brighter Than This Morning?

    I was looking out the window this morning and noticed how the brightness was not the same compared to yesterday. Yesterday morning I was looking out the window from the same room. I did not use a light meter to measure the lighting.
  5. Alan Arqueza

    Can a 40-Year-Old Learn Advanced Physics Research?

    I often read about applied physics and material science. It is inspiring. I am 40 years young interested in learning advance physics research.
  6. Alan Arqueza

    Why Was Yesterday's Sunlight Brighter Than This Morning?

    Yesterday morning the lighting from the sunlight made everything brighter until 11:50am Pacific Daylight time. I am in the San Francisco Bay Area in Northern California. Can you explain why sunlight on 13 July 2016 appears to be 'brighter' than this morning?