Recent content by al2207

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    I Matter cutting by destabilising of atoms bonding

    i was thinking of quartz crystals , granite in particular
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    I Matter cutting by destabilising of atoms bonding

    is there a theoretical way to cut solid mater by disrupting the electron field holding atoms together
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    Paleo magnetism 30,000 years ago to today

    many thanks ,it look better now but after a very fast reading period from 15,000 to 10,000 seem the poor child
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    Paleo magnetism 30,000 years ago to today

    south America
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    Paleo magnetism 30,000 years ago to today

    mostly variation of Earth magnetic field during that period
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    Paleo magnetism 30,000 years ago to today

    thanks do you have another place i had difficulty to see/download document
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    Paleo magnetism 30,000 years ago to today

    how can i find data for Earth magnetism for the period 30,000 years to today, is it possible to control magnetism forces thanks
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    Proof aliens had come to earth long time ago

    Puma Punku in bolivia and Peru amazing stone cutting make me suspect aliens had done that , cuts are so precise and so impossible to realize today with our ''modern technology incline to think of a desintegrator cutting tool ( energy field that break atoms bonding )
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    Japan Earthquake: Nuclear Plants at Fukushima Daiichi

    at least 1 worker was killed when tsunamis, hit he was investigating if there were some damage from earthquake
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    Japan Earthquake: Nuclear Plants at Fukushima Daiichi

    it is Pickering in Ontario much less dangerous ( no big earthquake fault near ) even if they loss all exterior power Candu can still produce up to 40 % of power generation for internal use and dump the rest of steam in condensing unit
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    Effect of Solar Storms on the Grid and Nuke Plants?

    solar flare will be most destructive forces in future years look at: ed dames predictions
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    Effect of Solar Storms on the Grid and Nuke Plants?

    second punch , one more solar flare cat M8 effect S3 supposed to touch us tomorrow Jan 24
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    Effect of Solar Storms on the Grid and Nuke Plants?

    large CME from sun today , expected disturbance by Saturday
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    Effect of Solar Storms on the Grid and Nuke Plants?

    yes there will be some impacts but what is consequence to do nothing ?
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    Japan Earthquake: Nuclear Plants at Fukushima Daiichi

    i think what cause the water to be dissociated the beryllium tube will be the factor for the ignition because when burning it is creating flashes