Recent content by akipro

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    Can You Easily Design a Variable Band Pass Filter in the MHz Range?

    If I could find someone else's design I would do my job, but the problem is where to find that design
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    Can You Easily Design a Variable Band Pass Filter in the MHz Range?

    Is there an easy way of designing a band pass filter whose pass band could be varied over a certain band?? The pass band is in MHz range. Thanks
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    Can the Wave Nature of Signals Challenge Basic Electronics Laws?

    Why don't we see reflection in short channels or while applying DC voltage? Normally in open circuits the applied voltage is the voltage observed across the entire length of wire but by reflection property we should actually observe twice the voltage than what is applied [ incident + reflected]
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    Can the Wave Nature of Signals Challenge Basic Electronics Laws?

    Could someone explain how this wave nature doesn't go against the basic laws of electronics ?
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    Can the Wave Nature of Signals Challenge Basic Electronics Laws?

    Why are voltage pulses reflected back over long transmission lines or in circuits having high frequency? Does this follow basic principles of electronics( Kirchoff's law, etc. ) ?
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    Converting series of impulses to a single impulse

    @skeptic2 As mention previously, you could view an impulse as a single |sin| wave with time period of around 10ns. If you desire some other name for it that's no problem, all I meant by an impulse was to have some voltage above zero for a very short duration of time (maybe square, sine or some...
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    Erase USB Data with Magnets: Ideal Approach

    @mfb Sorry for the typo, I meant a flash drive. I want to remove the data from the drive( which definitely could be done using a PC) using magnetic field, as I have read about magnetic fields destroying data stored in electronic devices.
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    Converting series of impulses to a single impulse

    I made a circuit to generate a periodic impulse signal ,i.e, one impulse generated and a zero for around 1us and then repeated again, but ended up with continuous impulses. Is there a circuit which could add zeros in between two impulses? Here one impulse could be viewed as a |sin(x)|...
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    Erase USB Data with Magnets: Ideal Approach

    I want to erase the data in a USB, without actually messing up the circuitry of the device, using magnets. What would be an ideal approach ??
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    Generating a pulse of high frequency and very small duty cycle

    @mfb I wanted to make it for one of my second year project with basic( generally also cheap) components available in lab. It could be heplful if you could suggest any method of achieving it.
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    Generating a pulse of high frequency and very small duty cycle

    Hey, I wanted to generate a pulse of ON time of about 10-50 ns and time period of around 1us. Don't know how to get such precision ? Thanks