Recent content by Aion96

  1. A

    Egg tossing crime -- From what location was the egg thrown?

    Wow. I'll try your metod and see what I find.
  2. A

    Egg tossing crime -- From what location was the egg thrown?

    Do mean by tossing eggs from a given height and compare it with the work required for tossing it from ground level? That sounds reasonably simple. I think I need a comparable building to throw the eggs from since I don't live at this location. Hopefully, I won't hit anyone with my eggs.
  3. A

    Egg tossing crime -- From what location was the egg thrown?

    Haha I didn't notice that. That's actually a real possibility. Thank you for your insight, it was very helpful.
  4. A

    Egg tossing crime -- From what location was the egg thrown?

    Thank's. I normally don't spend this much time on one problem. I am not satisfied with my conclusions, although I did my best anyway. The coordinates for the location at google Earth is 57.679459, 11.883131. These buildings does not appear to have any roof access.
  5. A

    Egg tossing crime -- From what location was the egg thrown?

    Figure 1. A map of the crime scene. My attempt:We start by trying to map the possible throwing area from the green marked walls in the figure. The area can be divided into two suitable triangles from each corner towards the red marked crime scene. With the help of Google Earth, the sides of...
  6. A

    Create a model for a collision

    Yes. But isn't g positive? Then the initial velocity is negative. And I don't understand why the displacement has a negative value as well. Should I interpret this to mean that his body has deformed during the collision while the wall stayed intact?
  7. A

    Create a model for a collision

    My homework consists of trying to create a simple model for a collision. But I have trouble understanding a specific part of the assignment, namely what g-force is. I'm guessing that I'm allowed to make assumptions. But without understanding adequately the definition for g-force, I don't think...