Recent content by agnostictheist

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    Vilenkin's Proposal: Can Absolute Nothingness Exist?

    re hi Hellfire: fristly I think I better say a bit more -in the least what's confusing me the question in my veiw, is what is or what accounts for a geometery!? I personally don't see how a geomeretry can be deviod of all, even surfaces are something, and i dare say surfaces are constructed...
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    Vilenkin's Proposal: Can Absolute Nothingness Exist?

    Hi all, I have a question according to Vilenkin's proposal using GR one borrows the notion that geomerty is not fixed can be distorted, he then goes on to argue that one of the sets or distortions of geomerty is empty thus no geomerty (absolute nothingness) is that truly possible? I thought...
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    Time does NOT Exist - Math Proof

    It seems to me, not that i have read the thread totally, that at the beg of this thread. Time is cusality, need it be so? currently and i ask the physics mind people hear help me out or correct me if need be, time is defined to be the lenghts between points (however certian elements need to...
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    QM and Free Will: Can They Coexist?

    can these things go together, for me - how can one have free will without excerising the abliity to use there will in actions, that not to say that all actions thus are a result of ones will, for example other peoples might interfere, or even other events, but there seems that on some level and...
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    EPR Experiment with Pool Balls

    Ok Drchinese and nightlight you too seem to know lots, so if you don't mind I am going to take lessons from you, while I do know bits and peices of QM and EPR, I don't claim to be an expert, my maths is awful so please try to aviod or help me around it, and my degree is in chemistry so i might...
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    Understanding Logic: Binary vs Trinary & Quadrary

    This could be rubbish but let's play around with something here: I amssume you mean the following...unless you meant the thing before. "this form of logic captures the statement, "the universe is not just black and white" although one can just view it as white and various degredations of...
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    Why do I never see anything made out of a lithium compound?

    re and of course dilithuim does not exist - crystals however if i remmber in theory dlithuim either exists in theory or we have found it or at last in theory there is not reason why it should not exist in the gas phase... i think to do with molecular obital theory? o been so long
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    EPR Experiment with Pool Balls

    You see here is the problem I have with the EPR, and that is the universe does not need to be local (from what I read). In the many-worlds, interpration... the bell experiement and its variants I assume, there will appear of form the prespective of the obervers that the EPR is real, but...
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    Do scientists know how many electrons an element has?

    not quite true, while electrons are Fermions, (Pauli exclusion principle. ) At low temperatures, bosons CAN behave differently than fermions because an unlimited number of them can collect into the same energy state. known as condesation pairs of electrons on the other hand can act like...
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    Is Evolution True? | Benzun's Perspective

    thunderfvck we all due respect, you come across has if you seem to have been correct, or that ones aim was tp prove you wrong... your wrong on both accounts.
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    Evidence of God? Exploring Possibilities Through Human Introspection

    Sorry Yarwey, but your statement is wrong: You say: “Your assumption of a hypothetical deity is where your reasoning is flawed.” No its not, the reasoning itself is not flawed, (nesscerly) the reason can still be sound despite a premise being even false, the conclusion however can...
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    Evidence of God? Exploring Possibilities Through Human Introspection

    "You are inadvertantly taking what I said out of its context." I will contest that, on the basis that you make some premise, but these premise could be easyly incomplete, for example you state a 2d plane? you say nothing about it "cuvature"... while that example itself might not came to any...
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    What is Intelligence? 2001 A Space Odyssey & Machines

    very boardly speaking Inteligence is defined has ones ability to adapt to new seneros... ITS NOT, what you KNOW! of course Inteligence comes in many forms, and with that many ways of testing so even the best IQ tests, should be treated with a pitch of salt.
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    Is Evolution True? | Benzun's Perspective

    what bits don't you "understand"? Russ, I don't think that all mirco-evolutionist (creationists) hold that all creatures were created at the same time, to these people all it means is that God created one species then anther etc, and most reject the notion that one species changes into...
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    Evidence of God? Exploring Possibilities Through Human Introspection

    My thoughts are not all logical thus they don't exist? What about a circle that has infinite radus? the opposite can in some cases, in an infinity be unfiyed (Cursa) But hightly restrictive..maybe needless so, SOMETHIMES. unless the reasons and arguments differ! so greatly that...