Recent content by aerohead_18

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    USAF Academy develops new body armor material

    @berkeman I'm not a chemist or engineer or materials scientist or anything like that, so I'm asking for more qualified people's thoughts on it because I'm trying to learn, not give my own uneducated opinion. But if I had to come up with some specific questions, I suppose I'd ask about...
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    USAF Academy develops new body armor material Any thoughts on this?
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    Other Opinions on GIS as a career field?

    This isn't really science, or maybe kind of on the fringes of it, but recently I've been looking into GIS as a career and was wondering if anyone knows anything about it. I only recently started researching it so I'm still not very familiar with what kind of work a geographer could expect to do...
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    Physics Physics Degree and the Air Force?

    Sorry, I don't know of any other good resources off the top of my head. It's possible you could find some useful stuff on, but I think that tends to be more aviation focused.
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    Physics Physics Degree and the Air Force?

    You might want to have a look at this: It's a guide for AFROTC cadets who are choosing AFSCs to put on their dream sheets, and it's perspectives from actual officers in those fields.
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    Job Skills Become a Pilot: Aviation Engineering Career Options

    Flying is generally a pretty expensive career to pursue here in the US. You have to build time and earn several advanced ratings before most airlines will even consider you. This takes thousands of dollars and lots of time, and entry-level flying jobs don't pay much at all. This will definitely...
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    Physics Physics Degree and the Air Force?

    You might want to check out It's SA focused obviously, but they have an OTS/OCS forum as well. I know there's at least one active 61D on the site, so if you search around a bit you might be able to find some good info. Good luck!
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    How is it possible for v/v units to exceed 100%?

    Why does this happen? I can see how it would work if the two substances were at different temperatures initially but can't think of anything else that would cause it.
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    Could water chemistry be altered to make swimmers faster?

    Just a hypothetical question about the "how's," not so much the "why's." Also, define "regular water." All pools have various chemicals for bacteria control, so it's not pure water by any means. And in other sports, namely track, this variable isn't even considered. Some tracks are much faster...
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    Could water chemistry be altered to make swimmers faster?

    At swim practice last week I started thinking about how the composition of the water was affecting how fast my teammates and I were able to swim. The mechanical properties of the water--viscosity, density, surface tension, etc.-- are what determine how much force swimmers are able to generate by...
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    Chemistry Is the Chemistry Job Market in Shambles?

    Good point. For the purposes of this discussion let's say I meant specifically jobs within the chemical industry or academia that are directly related to chemistry.
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    Chemistry Is the Chemistry Job Market in Shambles?

    After digging around the web to piece together a picture of the chemistry job market, it looks pretty abysmal. There are countless posts on other sites by disgruntled chemists complaining about working hard for advanced degrees only to end up in low-wage jobs with no benefits and minimal upward...
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    Automotive Coupling electric motor to gas engine in series

    Every watched the Lucas Oil Pro Pulling competitions? Most of those rigs have up to four engines, and some of them have two or three gas turbine engines. Not sure how the transmissions work, but multi-engine vehicles are definitely still around.
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    Designing an Electric Aircraft: Testing Motor+Airfoil Configurations

    Why not work in CFD until you find a solution that works in the simulation and then try testing real life prototypes from there?
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    What's it like to fly a satellite?

    I have always wondered what is entailed in the day-to-day operation of a satellite. There doesn't seem to be a whole lot out there about the people who fly the thousands of spacecraft on orbit today and what their job is like. What exactly are the controllers in the ground stations doing at...