Recent content by adz7861

  1. A

    EENGA 2019 Momentum question -- collision of two masses

    The only difference in B & C are the different masses on the nominator. What I've got is the mass of the moving particle (mE) as the nominator. The answer states that it should be ME which is the mass of the stationary particle. So my working out must be incorrect, unless I'm missing a further...
  2. A

    EENGA 2019 Momentum question -- collision of two masses

    I keep getting my answer to be C, when the real answer is B
  3. A

    Electric Circuit: Path of Least Resistance

    I figured that when you close the switch the current from the upper cell will travel through the closed switch due to it being the path of least resistance, essentially the resistor between cells is unused (was my first thought). I'm not entirely sure how to progress with this question.
  4. A

    Why Does Kinetic Energy Change After Collision in EENGA 2019 Question?

    A particle of mass m has kinetic energy E when it collides with a stationary particle of mass M. The two particles coalesce. Which of the following expressions gives the total kinetic energy transferred to other forms of energy in the collision? I keep getting C as my answer when the correct...