Recent content by advhaver

  1. advhaver

    Admissions PhD Programs for Mathematical Physics (Experimental Condensed Matter Physics)

    Due to COVID-19, most labs were shut during my freshmen year. Heck, we even had to do our classes remotely. Despite this, I did manage to snag a research project in my first summer on campus. Part of this might have been that I took a Physics TA opportunity on my second day on campus. This TA...
  2. advhaver

    Admissions PhD Programs for Mathematical Physics (Experimental Condensed Matter Physics)

    Ege, Vanadium is right! Please do NOT ask any professors about "tagging" along. You will likely not get a reply, or worse, they might blacklist you as a lazy person who just wants to jump on a moving train. Research requires you to be a self-starter. You need to initiate topics and discuss...
  3. advhaver

    Admissions PhD Programs for Mathematical Physics (Experimental Condensed Matter Physics)

    Sorry for the delay. I was sick, and then I was traveling. I have no experience in this matter save my own. I did what I thought I enjoyed most. There wasn't a specific plan. Though I might be completely wrong about this, I suspect that one of the aspects of my application that worked was...
  4. advhaver

    Admissions PhD Programs for Mathematical Physics (Experimental Condensed Matter Physics)

    From 8th/9th grade, I had equal interests in physics and mathematics; hence, I wrongly believed that mathematical physics would give me the opportunity to pursue both. I later realised I could pursue Maths alongside my Physics. My resume: 12th grade (IB) 44/45 in 6 subjects and a 7/7 in an...
  5. advhaver

    Admissions PhD Programs for Mathematical Physics (Experimental Condensed Matter Physics)

    Wow, I'd like to learn which programs these are. Where do I find this data? FYI, Georgetown also admitted me. With so many offers, one can't help but feel that I was too conservative in my applications. Of the ones I have, Chicago offered me the best "package," including a small fellowship (in...
  6. advhaver

    Admissions PhD Programs for Mathematical Physics (Experimental Condensed Matter Physics)

    Now that I got an admit, I ordered this book. It would have been a bit presumptuous of me to order it without an admit. Thanks.
  7. advhaver

    Admissions PhD Programs for Mathematical Physics (Experimental Condensed Matter Physics)

    Thanks. I am getting bombarded by relatives who are "demanding" to know why I did not fancy my chances at MIT or Princeton. I should have managed my time better and sought out professors at MIT and Princeton. MIT, especially, was on my radar. One of my advisors told me that the environment at...
  8. advhaver

    Admissions PhD Programs for Mathematical Physics (Experimental Condensed Matter Physics)

    Thanks! Thanks. Which programs did he apply to?
  9. advhaver

    Admissions How to prove Physics competency to grad school admission committees?

    How much Physics have you formally studied? As part of the CSE, were you exposed to the kind of courses a BS in Physics would be? If you intend to apply for a Ph.D. in Physics, any university's line of thinking would be, "What in this student's profile gives us confidence in their ability to...
  10. advhaver

    A commerce student wanting to change field to science

    What was the last time (which grade) you did any formal study in Physics and Maths? 10th? 12th? If you decide to re-start college/university as a science (physics / maths) student, they might expect that you have some formal education in these subjects. One option might be to consider AP...
  11. advhaver

    Admissions Need advice for Low GPA / Good Research / HEPth PhD application

    Hi, I do not have the experience of the others here, but since I just finished applying (I expect to start August/September 2024), let me chime in my 2 cents, and maybe it will help. My takeaways from my experience: Do not assume anything. Apply, apply, apply. Do not let your "profile" or...
  12. advhaver

    Admissions PhD Programs for Mathematical Physics (Experimental Condensed Matter Physics)

    I know that the program at U Chicago is excellent, but when I told my family about the Chicago admission, a couple of them were upset that I did not apply to MIT or Princeton (but I must qualify that by clarifying that everyone was happy) because they are more "reputed" whatever that means. To...
  13. advhaver

    Admissions PhD Programs for Mathematical Physics (Experimental Condensed Matter Physics)

    Sorry for disappearing for several months. I was busy. To end this thread, I finished my applications by the 15th of December. I got my first admit (U Chicago) yesterday. I await responses from the other universities before making up my mind. Thanks for all your help. My takeaways: 1. Manage...
  14. advhaver

    Admissions PhD Programs for Mathematical Physics (Experimental Condensed Matter Physics)

    Thanks, this is an excellent idea. Muchas Gracias!