Recent content by Adrian B

  1. Adrian B

    Deflection of gravitational acceleration vector due to Sun or Moon

    On Wolfram Alpha, I get the following values for gravitational acceleration on Earth due to the sun and moon, respectively: gravitational constant * mass of sun / (distance to sun)^2 → 0.005991 m/s2 gravitational constant * mass of moon / (distance to moon)^2 → 3.68×10-5 m/s2 If the...
  2. Adrian B

    How much do surfaces tilt due to tidal forces?

    I've read that tides deform the Earth's crust by about 40cm. When I try to visualize the tidal bulge approaching me and then receding away from me, it seems like the local surface under my feet would tilt slightly one way as the bulge approaches, then level out, and then tilt slightly the other...
  3. Adrian B

    Battery for power -- cable modem and wifi router during outage

    Had a power failure about an hour ago and I can verify that the cable system (internet, at least) continued to work.
  4. Adrian B

    The source of all energy is the Sun?

    The OP might be interested to note that the energy received from the decay of Earth's radioactive content ultimately comes from other earlier stars that created those radioactive elements.
  5. Adrian B

    Suffering from panic attacks during test

    I once worked with somebody who had anxiety attacks related to flying but the job required occasional air travel. His doctor gave him an anti-anxiety medication to take before flying and that was enough to get him past that problem. It wouldn't hurt to talk to your doctor about your panic...
  6. Adrian B

    Why do ket vectors not have magnitudes?

    Entropy: Have a look at Leonard Susskind's quantum mechanics lectures at He doesn't assume much prior mathematical knowledge and spends a lot of time in the first few lectures explaining the linear algebra and interpretation of...
  7. Adrian B

    Reading list for learning Quantum Mechanics please

    I'll second that. Note that the corresponding video lectures are at
  8. Adrian B

    Duke University Lessons for 17yo Student: Maths, Physics, CS & More

    Hi Kostas. You might want to try Leonard Susskind's "Theoretical Minimum" lecture series:
  9. Adrian B

    Battery for power -- cable modem and wifi router during outage

    Thanks for the feedback, everybody. I posted this same question on and received no comments or answers, so +1 for Physics Forums! Since I'm the only user of this equipment and I wouldn't want charge wasted if the power should happen to fail while I'm not present...
  10. Adrian B

    Battery for power -- cable modem and wifi router during outage

    Let me start by saying that the point of this question is to figure out if I can do this with items on hand instead of buying a UPS. I have a cable modem and wireless router which require 12V 750mA and 12V 1000mA respectively. In the event of a power outage, I'd like to be able to manually...
  11. Adrian B

    Are Logarithms Useless? Why Need them Given Exponents?

    Or, "Same reason we have subtraction and division when we already have addition and multiplication."?
  12. Adrian B

    Expanding universe and thermodynamics

    Doesn't the "Big Rip" hypothesis depend on space expanding within bound objects?
  13. Adrian B

    What is Saturn's Escape Velocity and How Do I Calculate It?

    Glad you figured it out. I noticed that when you listed the values you didn't specify the units for G. In the future, you can almost certainly avoid the problem you ran into by including units in your calculations. In this case, you would have run into different "km" and "m" units and you...
  14. Adrian B

    What is Saturn's Escape Velocity and How Do I Calculate It?

    What values are you plugging into that equation and what are their units?